Title: Hard Sun
bradcpu and
laurashapiroFandom: Firefly/meta
The original vidpost is
here or you can stream the vid with subtitled lyrics at Laura's LJ
Commentary by Brad and Laura
Commentary download link, stream, and transcript under cut )
Comments 44
The idea I was trying to get across with the ending was that we as the fans are like Mal in Out of Gas. We have the engine part in our hand, still trying to fix the dead ship, and staggering on through the empty hallways. But the memories of the show and the knowledge of the other fans is what gives us strength and keeps us going.
I teared up at this part. Seriously. MY OUR SHOW.
! I feel the same way. :) But it's something else entirely to see it reflected back at you.
After ten years in Texas, I know all about months without rain
Man, we were really sweating it out. In retrospect it was probably a bad idea to plan to shoot something like that less than a month before the submission deadline. It was kinda fun though. :)
I'm glad the commentary added something to the experience for you.
This was so awesome. I learned a lot about what you were saying with the vid and it was really cool to see so much of what went on behind the scenes. That's so neat that you got someone at your office to help out. :D I'm pretty sure my coworkers would look at me like I was nuts if I suggested something like this.
And OMG the ending in the rain. The vid makes it look so calm and serene, so the frantic outtakes were hilarious. Poor Brad and Kim. :P
And hee, I know where you go to lunch now. :D
That's so neat that you got someone at your office to help out
Maushumi's pretty cool when she's not annoying the hell out of me. (she's reading this over my shoulder. heh heh heh.) Seriously, it was very nice of her to help - it really turned into a lot more of a hassle than she probably expected.
The vid makes it look so calm and serene, so the frantic outtakes were hilarious
I cut out all of the cursing. Specifically, two "(GD) trolleys!" from me, and a stream of f-bombs from Kim. She's so cool. :)
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