Barely Breathing - Chapter 27

Jun 05, 2011 10:51

Chapter 27 - Cause You’re So Beautiful

JULY 13th, 2009 Vienna, Austria: 4:02 PM

After three days in this amazing city and I was in heaven. No matter how much I loved concerts, and graveyards, and cathedrals. Being in Austria was like this overwhelming burst of life. It was the traces back to older cultures that I adored and was mesmerized by. So many cultural icons could call this country home; it was inspiring in many ways. Plus it didn't hurt that people were speaking German, which is just a cool language to listen to.

Though, not everyone was as excited as me. The boys had already reached their plateau after finishing their goals. Both the skateboarding demo and concert had already happened. Now it was all about some preplanned Olivia time. Bam had made sure that there were a few days put aside for me in a handful of cities and one of them happened to be Vienna. Though, part of me was pretty sure Missy had really done the real planning on that account. Bam cared, but he didn’t pay that much attention.

It was a beautiful day to be exploring the streets. As long as I stayed outside everyone was fine with doing whatever I wanted. It had been the tours I dragged them on that made everyone sulky to go on the outing with me.

“Are we done yet?” Novak’s voice echoed off of the brickwork for the twentieth time today.

Glancing back I shot him a glare. “We’re only making one more stop. Then you can go back to the hotel and drink to your heart’s content.”

“But you’re making us go to another church! What is your obsession with them anyway? You’re not even religious.” His face scrunched together like a small child’s.

Burton spoke up before I could reply. His tone was put out, obviously he was just as sick of the whining as me. “She doesn’t need to be religious to appreciate beautiful architecture.”

“Thank you, Burton. See can’t you just be happy I’m introducing you to culture?” I stood up straight giving Novak my most haughty look.

“I would be happier if I didn’t have to walk everywhere,” Mumbled Novak as he shoved his hands into the pants he was thankfully wearing.

Stopping so fast that Missy ran into my back I turned to the only mutinous member of the group. “Keep complaining and I’ll make sure you never leave the catacombs alive.”

Novak didn’t answer me but his eyes grew wide. It was easy to see that the little boy in him wanted to see where they buried dead people. But his face held a look of pure terror at the prospect of the next site. He knew I was good enough on my word to leave him down there for the night. I kept my thoughts of triumph to myself as I beamed like a cat.

Missy laughed as she swept around me. “Olivia for the win. Shutting Novak up in one fell swoop.”

The next few minutes of the walk were more pleasant. Novak had taken to keeping himself with Dunn and Bam as he sulked. I was wrapped up in a conversation with Burton about architecture once again while Ville and Missy added their input here and there. The rest of the band was walking contently in between the two groups, having their own conversation. Overall it was nice. It reminded me of being home with my friends from high school. Home was becoming something I increasingly missed.

“What was the name of the place again, sweetheart?” Ville’s voice jerked me back to the present as I was beginning to get lost in my thoughts of home.

Lacing my arm through his I moved closer to him so we could talk. “Stephansdom, or St. Stephen's Cathedral in English. It still sounds cooler in German.”

Ville simply laughed at me as we walking along the cobbled road. Smiling up at him I was struck again by how lucky I was to have met this man. He was a workaholic, extremely eccentric, overprotective sweetheart. And I wouldn’t change him for the world. It would always make me smile when he stumbled over a curse, trying not to say anything he deemed too profane in front of me. A wasted effort, but cute nonetheless. And I couldn’t imagine an evening without him there to sing away the nightmares. As cliché as it sounds.

“You really don’t mind coming out today?” I asked, kicking a pebble from under my foot. I needed to keep my eyes away from his face.

“Darling, its nice to get out every once in a while. Plus I enjoy doing it with you. Sure, I have seen quite a few of the places we’ve been stopping, but its always nice to see them again.” So diplomatic, though I could hear sincerity in his voice.

“Thanks, its nice to hear-”

“Is this suppose to be it!” Novak’s voice cut me odd. We were just rounding a corner and as we came into the clearing the cathedral loomed into the sky above us.

“Yeah, this is it. Lets get inside; they only run the tours so late. It’s already four thirty I bet there are only a few left.” Letting go of Ville’s hand I rushed forward into the church. Tactfully keeping my pace to a quick skip, and avoiding other tourists.

Ville’s POV

Like so many times before Olivia was skipping along in front of me as we made our way to the last stop of the day. She was engaging in playful banter as everyone did little more than meander behind her. But, she didn't care. As far as she was concerned no one had to be on the outing with her unless they wanted to be. In my opinion I was just glad to have her chose interesting places.

Once we reached the cathedral that had been at the top of her list Olivia disappeared inside the cathedral before anyone else could follow. Probably excited to get the group signed up for the catacomb tour she had been talking about for days. Her enthusiasm was infection, despite her doubts. She had managed to get everyone out with her today, even if she thought that no one else cared they were all mildly curious and had nothing better to do anyway.

I slowly fell back in step with Linde, Mige, Burton, and Gas. They all seemed satisfied with the agenda for the day. It wasn’t often that touring included breaks at this time of year. Usually we would be going constantly since it was festival time. So they were morn than happy to have a few days here and there to relax.

“She’s a quirky one. I’m glad you two get along so well.” I snapped my head up at the sound of Linde’s voice.

“What do you mean? I mean… I know she’s quirk, but is it odd that we get along?” Running a hand through my hair I watched Linde just smirk and shake his head.

“When’s the last time you left your notebook of guitar for more than a few hours just to hang out with people? Without being dragged away? See that blank look right there is what I mean. She gets you out of your hobbit hole more than anyone else has since rehab.” He set his arm around my shoulder. “To tell the truth we were all getting a little worried up until you began spending time with her. I always knew Olivia was a good name.”

I choked back a chuckle. “That’s only because you chose it for that little angel of yours.”

“True, but I still think that Missy’s cousin is the reason you’ve been getting back to your old self.” Our group slowly entered the doors of the cathedral.

“I guess you’re right. She’s pretty amazing. We were having an interesting conversation about Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ verses ‘Dante’s Inferno’ yesterday-“

Mige’s hand came up from my other side to cut me off. “We all like her, she’s an awesome kid, but keep the intellectual conversation between yourselves.”

Burton and Gas heard that and broke out into gut clenching laughter. Something about their approval made me feel like a weight was off my chest. They weren’t upset I was spending so much time with her. In fact they encouraged it. I guess I had been a little worried from Dunn’s reaction, but it was all for nothing.

The room we walked into was huge and bright from the sun’s natural rays beaming through the huge glass panes above our heads. There in the center of the aisle stood Olivia waving her passes to the tour at us as she swayed around excitedly. And then it hit me than was about more than finding someone to enjoy my company or Dunn’s stressful behavior.

The light came down through the large stained glass windows and shone down on Olivia as she twirled in the aisle leading up to the front. Her hair glowed burgundy and cherry in the light and haloed around her face. The impish grin stretched her cheeks. And it was in that moment I felt like the biggest fool that had ever existed. I had developed feelings for Olivia and was well on my way to being in love with her.

“Fuck!” my entire body bellowed. This was the one thing I was suppose to be avoiding and I had fallen right into those shining eyes without hesitation. She was beautiful, obviously, and smart. But so young and optimistic with so much out there to tackle. That didn’t involve a lovelorn musician who held himself up in a tower.

Though it was probably that breath of life she offered which brought my heart out of hiding. Selfishly a thought struck me. I could always indulge my need to be near her without hurting anybody. I was mature enough not to give in to my urges.

“Ville do you like the alter? I personally preferred the stone work on the ceiling and walls.” Olivia had taken advantage of my introspective haze and now stood with her arm through mine. A thoughtful index finger to her pursed lips.

“Sorry, darling, I was just lost in thought.” About you, I mentally finished.

“Oh well, out tour starts in a few minutes. We’re all supposed to gather in the antechamber over there and wait for the tour guide. I already sent everyone else over there. I thought you were looking at the alter so I decided to wait with you.”

She was too sweet for her own good in many ways. Sure she could have an ugly temper, but when she was being thoughtful or kind she did it with so much of herself. I hated the selfish impulse to keep her to myself, but it crept up on me anyway.

“Thanks for waiting. You really didn’t have to.” Tugging on our arms I led us toward the room she had indicated.

“There you two are! The guide is about to start the tour… in German, in case you were wondering.” Bam practically leapt on us as we walked through the doorway. It was easy to tell he wasn’t as excited about not understanding a language as the girl next to me.

Olivia shrugged innocently before resting her head on the arm she had attached herself to. “Never said it would be in English. After all, did I not mention my fascination with the German language about thirty minutes ago?”

“Don’t think that acting all adorable and clinging to Ville will avoid pay back later.” There was an evil glint in Bam’s look as he eyed our linked arms.

Besides Bam’s scheming thought there were other looks at our cozily nestled limbs. I felt paranoid all over again, but it seemed like everyone one had come to my internal conclusion. Which was just crazy. Instead of concentrating on the looks I listened intently to the tour guide’s gibberish. At least it seemed safer.

Ignoring my surroundings left my mind to wonder again. In the haze my conscience decided to speak back up. My better judgment told me that my simple indulgence could lead to problems created by Dunn or any other number of outside complications. Was it fair of me to cause stress for her when she didn’t need my help finding it?

As the group trooped to the stairs to make out descent below the ancient stonework I looked at the girl swinging out arms merrily back and forth beside me. Neither of us really had to change our behavior to prove anything. Though, the worry that I might trip up still plagued my thoughts. I didn’t realize I had stopped again until I felt Olivia bounce to a halt a few steps down from me.

Her eyes turned up to me as I paused at the stairwell. She drew her eyebrows together in confusion. “What are you thinking about? You keep disappearing into your thoughts today.”

“Inspiration.” Tilting my head I just grinned down at her, Olivia’s confusion was just cute. Smiling back slowly she tugged on my hand to draw me along to join the group. I followed behind more than willing. Until I saw Dunn’s eyes land on our hands, along with a few cursory glances from a few others in the group.

A twinge struck my heart. Olivia had already gone through enough hell with Dunn; she didn’t need me to shift the situation back in that mess. I took one more glance at out joined hands. Fingers laced together in a latte and pale cream lattice, just perfect together. Then, I let go. As I let go of her hand a creeping feeling of longing came over me. I wanted her hand to be in mine again, where it belonged. Now that I had identified my feelings it felt like they were magnified by ten.

My skin felt cold without her fingers clutching gently to mine. The part that hurt the worst was the look of hurt that flashed across Olivia’s face when she realized I had done it on purpose. It was the look I had been hoping to avoid.

A/N: Hey everyone! Yes, it’s another update. OMG! Anyway, I have come to the conclusion I really shouldn’t work on my other fanfics as much unless I have a few chapters for Barely Breathing done in advance. So here’s the dealio, I will attempt to stay at least 2-3 chapters ahead in this story so that there is always more to be updated. But, that may mean slightly shorter chapters and my other fanfics will not be updated as quickly.

On the bright side every time you leave a comment I will give a preview of the next chapter. How does that sound to everyone?

Chapter List
| Chapter 26 | Chapter 28

fanfiction : update, ville valo, barely breathing

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