Title: Dark Disturbing Dexter Fic
Author: Vicki_bmore
Fandom: Dexter
Rating: PG-13 (warning for violence)
Summary: Dexter has a little”me time”
Disclaimer: The character Dexter belong to Showtime and Jeff Lindsay. The story is mine.
Author's Note: This is the first thing I've written in years and usually I just wrote porn. But I'm pissed at my boss
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Comments 3
Great job. You got Dexter's voice down very well--especially the quietly amused tone that he gets when he's talking about the bad things that his playmates did to deserve time with him.
You're more than welcome. And I plan to keep writing, so as for the multi-chapter fics, you'll be seeing them in time. *grin*
(And now replying to comments through e-mail seems to be broken, too. Sorry if this shows up twice.)
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