Jun 02, 2007 21:35

Hey all, I hope who ever is reading it is enjoying it. I hope I am doing justice to our guys......thanks Sue



Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. Anthony Yerkovich created Miami Vice and Michael Mann was Executive producer, I thank them for that. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.


The morning sun filtered on the Gold Coast building which had been white washed since Tubbs had last seen it. The lobby had changed, with more security added, yet it still looked like a building filled with business offices. No one would have guessed that just beyond the second set of doors and down around the hallway stood the Organize Crime Bureau.

After both men got their visitor passes, they followed the new carpet to the double doors they knew so well. Crockett stopped, pushing Tubbs back by the lockers. Tubbs looked up at the metal row, remembering how his name used to be on one. Crockett saw the look. He knew and felt the same nostalgia that Tubbs was feeling. Hazel eyes locked on to Green eyes, passing the thought almost telepathically to one another. Crockett shook off the feeling bringing him back to the present.

“Stay here until I come fer ya. I want this to be a real good surprise.” The ex-detective drawled and then grinned, giving a wink before pushing through to the office.

He found the usual hustle and bustle that stirred around all the officers. The arrangement of the squad room had changed, but he had seen it before, thanks to his contributions. He made sure that no one but the higher ups knew he was giving money to Metro - Dade and especially the Vice unit, except now Tubbs knew. Crockett knew that his pal won’t say a word to anyone, when it came to Tubbs, Crockett never had to worry. The warmth of the trust was still there, even after the partnership, though it no longer was a legal one. He loved this guy and he knew the feeling was returned. Tubbs would never let him down. He thought about it as he observed the room.

Computer keyboards now replaced typewriters, there keys clicking away. Partners going over cases they were working on, others were in the kitchen getting the always needed caffeine jolt of coffee. A few of the ladies were getting ready for the stroll and there was the ever present rock of the squad, Martin Castillo, sitting in his office with the door closed. Sonny smiled as he looked around. He spotted his old crew and some new ones and then focused on a young dark haired man in expensive clothes leaning over his partner’s desk in conversation.

Crockett wandered over to the young man. Standing behind the detective, he raised his voice a little. “Well, looky here, if it ain’t the Hardy boys workin’ for a livin’.” He waited with a wise-guy tight lipped smile.

“Damn it Crockett, we're not the Hardy Boys.” The young man stood up, and turned to face the tan blond man.

“Sure looks that way to me.” Sonny ran his hands from the top to the bottom of the jacket lapels before dropping them, “nice threads, I almost didn't recognize ya without your tee shirt and jeans. At least Burnett’s cousin looks the part.” He continued smiling.

“Go on and laugh, Crockett. But you have to admit I look better in them than you.” The young detective laughed and gave the older man a friendly hug, “good to see you. Saw your boat this morning but didn't want to wake an old man like your self.” The younger man laughed harder.

His partner snickered, nervously. “Hi Sonny.”

“Hey Jorge, your partner thinks he’s got one up on me. I may be older but with being older comes the proficiency you're always callin’ me about. Ain’t that right, Jorge?” Sonny tapped his opened palm twice on the younger mans cheek.

Jorge nervously shrugged, feeling it safer than to get between Sonny Crockett and his protege, who happened to be the Hispanic man’s partner.

“Alright, So I do. But I'm good and you've said it yourself. I only call you for that knowledge and to keep our friendship going. Or should I say when we're at the marina, to keep in touch with my cousin? I mean while you're there you are Burnett.” Joey smiled.

“Alright you smooth talker, I'll give you that. Joey, you and Diaz here are doing an outstanding job from what I hear. And it is Burnett at the marina and Burnett is going to have a party tonight, I'm here to invite the whole squad.” Sonny leaned into Joey. He placed his arm around the young man’s shoulder and drew him in, “I really wanted to get on the Vitus and check her out, guess I’ll get my chance soon enough. However, while I was starring at her I noticed that the brass is tarnishing. You can’t treat a lady like that. You know how to treat a lady, kid?” Sonny hugged the younger man tighter to him and then loosened his grip while he waited for his answer.

“Yeah, I know how to treat a lady.” Joey huffed.

Sonny turned to stare right into Joey’s eyes. “Naw, didn't think so. From experience junior, you stroke a woman, give her what she needs, and make her shine. Thheenn she'll always look good, feel good and treat you good, got it?” Crockett drawled as he again, teasingly tapped Hardin’s cheek, before taking out a piece of paper and handing it to Joey, “oh and I know Will does everything on that lady, cause I’m the one who set it up for ya, Here’s what you need, written down so you get the right stuff and know how to do it so it gets done right.” Sonny let go of Joey to let the young detective read the paper. His partner could no longer hold in his laughter.

“Sonny, I told you before I’m not like you. You did almost everything on that yacht, I don't know if I can do this right. Shit, I've just learned to sail her fairly well as long as someone’s with me. But I'm great at driving the Scarab.” Joey sincerely stated, smiling at the thought of the cigarette boat. Everyone in the squad watched. They could see that Joey Hardin looked up to and regarded James “Sonny” Crockett with respect, as they all had over the years.

“Joey, Joey, you can't take her out on your own after a couple of years? Kid, before I leave I'm taking you out and you will sail her without my help, I'm just the guide. And as for the Scarab, you be easy on her. I know I road her to the extreme, even raced her, but I’ve been around boats all me life, no fuckin’ around with either of my ex-ladies,” He chuckled,”oh and Joey you will polish her up right and nice and it won't take very long since,” Sonny stopped, his eyes went from Joey to Jorge and then back again, “that’s what partner’s are for, to help ya, get it? Only I didn't let Rico help with things like that, I was faster on my own.”

“Yeah we got it.” Joey and Jorge said in unison giving a pained look at Sonny.

“Oh c’mon girls, you’ll do fine and you'll feel good about yourselves and she'll look fantastic.”

“You're a pain in the ass, Crockett. But I have noticed the tarnish and I guess I should do some up keep on her instead of calling on Will all the time.”

Sonny laughed, “Junior, there ain’t no callin’ on Will for this, spoke to him already. He says my cousin should learn how to take care of a beauty as the St. Vitus and I agreed with him. You'll do fine. Oh and by the way it’s great to see you.” Crockett pulled Joey back in for another hug.

All eyes had focused on the three. Most knew the tone in Sonny’s voice so they waited until he was done before pouring all over him with hellos and hugs.

“I brought a present to cheer up this motley crew. Let me go get it.” Sonny gave an impish grin while he opened the double doors and waved his hand at Tubbs to come in.

The squad filled with excitement at seeing Tubbs. He was surrounded by hugs and questions that he answered quickly to break up the crowd. Sonny stood back and watched with a proud and amused smile. Sonny saw Castillo standing in his door frame. After the rest of the group saw their Lieutenant they broke up and tried to look busy. The lean Hispanic approached Tubbs and Crockett. He held out his hand and shook the New York detective’s hand.

“It’s a pleasure to see you, Ricardo.” Castillo said with a rare slight smile to his usually stoic face.

“Thanks Martine, great to see you and the squad. I've heard good things from Sonny about the new kids.”

“Yes, they have learned quickly. I have some work to do but drop by my office before you leave.” Castillo told Tubbs and then turned to Sonny, “Sonny, this is a nice surprise to see my two best ex-detectives.” He didn't have to ask, he knew what Sonny had been doing and that Rico was still a detective, but up in New York. He kept track of Tubbs through the New York police department. It was easy since he knew Tubbs boss.

Sonny, his usual physical self went over, shook hands with his former Lieutenant and then gave him a hug.

“Good to see you again, Marty. Having a party on my boat tonight, I’m inviting the crew and hope that most can come. I know some are working but I think the boss can change some of my friend’s schedules around a bit and of course your own since you're invited too.” Crockett gave Castillo one of his best smiles but knew that even though his smiles and charms worked on other’s it was harder to work it on his former boss and friend. But then he had the advantage of so many years at prying away Martin Castillo’s walls and then staying friends after he quit. He was sure it would work.

“Yes, I think it can be arranged.” The Latino turned to go back to his office.

Tubbs bent over to the blond. He giggled with a little sarcasm as he whispered into Crockett’s ear. “Man I see that cat is still as loquacious as always.”

“You can say that again, except when you get him on certain topics, privately.” Crockett conspired with Tubbs.

Tubbs shook his head. “Yeah, with a certain blond ex-detective who knows how to push at those walls.

Crockett gave a wry smile. “Joo got it mon.” then followed to catch up with the Lieutenant. “Marty…..” Was all that was heard before the door to the office closed.

Tubbs shook his head with a smile; if anyone could get Castillo to talk it was his ex-partner. He then strolled around speaking to a few people before being circled by Trudy, Gina, Switeck and Switeck’s new partner, Sammy.

“So, Rico, what brings you down to the old stomping grounds?” Gina teased.

“I missed my favorite ladies.” Tubbs said sweetly, kissing each woman on the cheek.

“So you didn't come down here to see your old pal, Stan. Maybe I should be insulted.” Stan stated with a smile.

“C’mon Swi, of course I came down to see you too. See what everyone’s up to.”

“How’s Valerie?” Trudy asked.

Rico’s face exposed pain for a moment and then he casually answered the pretty black woman’s question. “Valerie and I have tried it for years and it still came out the same. It’s time to move on and stop trying to make the past work, it hasn't in years. So I came down to be with Sonny and see some friends that I've missed.”

“Rico, I'm so sorry.” Trudy told him, her voice held a sad note to it.

“Rico, if there’s anything any of us can do, please don't hesitate.” Gina said sincerely.

“Don't be sorry, it was a long time coming, just didn't wanna see it. And thanks, just seeing you all helps a lot. So let me see that diamond I heard that Gordon, the lucky bastard, gave you. You have a good man there, Gina. And I hope he knows what a terrific lady he has in you.” Rico held up the hand that Gina gave him and admired the ring. A whistle came out at seeing the large, probably flawless, diamond, “Not to shabby, guess being the D.A. has its perks.”

They all laughed at that. The women each gave another hug to their friend.

“We have to get our costumes on. We still work the stroll once in a while, but Tanya and Julie have replaced us, thank God.” Trudy explained.

“Yeah my feet are ruined from being in those damn heels for hours.” Gina smiled.

Rico watched them walk away. God it was so good to see everyone, he felt so at home. He never realized how much being in Miami and in the vice squad unit, had become more his home, than New York and its police vice department.

“Hey Tubbs, this is my new partner, Sammy. Sammy this is Rico Tubbs, the one I told you about.”

Tubbs shook Sammy’s hand. He saw that Stan seemed to be happy with his partner and was glad for it. After what had happened with Larry Zito, it was good to see after so long that the portly detective finally partnered with someone that seemed to be good for him.

“I've heard a lot of stories about the dynamitic duo. You and Crockett have made some name for your selves. Everyone always hears stories about the two of you, even in the academy I remember hearing about you guys. Matter of fact, Sonny comes in once a month to give lectures at the academy. “

“The dynamitic duo? Sonny, giving lectures on rules?” Tubbs laughed.

Switeck joined him in the laughter. “Yeah, that’s what everyone calls you two. Some great stories too. You should hear some of them, of course after being told so many times it’s like hearing a story from the tabloids, you know, exaggerated. That’s part of the fun of hearing them.” The larger detective snickered. “And Sonny, since he’s a civilian he can only lecture because he’s an ex-cop. Your buddy enjoys it and teaching the rookies. Like Sonny has always said, he has to teach them the right rules in undercover work, before teaching them how to break those same rules.” All three men laughed harder at the truth that was told.

“Sorry, I have to get back to work, but it’s been a pleasure and you can tell Sonny I'll be at the party tonight. I'm off at seven, so I'll be there, catch you later.”

“I'll tell him. Great to meet you, Sammy.”

“You too.” Sammy pleasantly told Rico as he went towards the file cabinet.

Switeck sat down and motioned for Tubbs to sit with him. “Hey, I’m sorry about Val. But I do need to talk to you about Sonny.” Stan spoke quietly.

“What about Sonny? Is he ok?” Tubbs face took on concern. Was there something Sonny wasn’t telling him? Maybe it was what Sonny was holding back that Rico had felt last night.

“No, he’s ok in his own way, you know our Sonny. But it’s this thing with Castillo. You know the lieutenant wants to be captain, but he won't give up vice unless Sonny comes back on board in his place as the new lieutenant. You and I and everybody else knows that Sonny could do a great job and Castillo knows that too. Christ, Sonny’s been running vice for years. He did it with Lou and Castillo. Everyone trusts him, even the new kids, his instincts are hardly ever wrong. Castillo only has one month to answer and Sonny took the test four in a half years ago. That test is only good for five years, man. Our boy is running out of time. Do you know anything about why Sonny’s holding back? I mean he still has his fingers in the squad and I've seen him down at Metro-Dade talking with the higher ups. Strohe isn't here anymore and he teaches at the academy, like I told ya. Maybe you can talk him into it? Maybe you'd come back now, too? I mean since Val and you are done….. Sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive.” Stan’s quick explanation and apology touched Rico.

“It’s all good. Don't worry about Val and me. As a matter of fact I spoke to Sonny last night about this very same thing. There’s something that’s blocking him, but I know Sonny and he does wanna take this. Just gotta find out what that block is. And you know the man ain’t a talker until he’s good and ready, if at all.” Tubbs was bemused by the whole problem. He continued to think about it, letting it roll around in his head.

“So you think you can get him to do it? “ Stan asked hopefully.

“You know no one can get that stubborn cracker to do something he isn't ready to do or doesn't want to do.”

“But you said there’s a big part of him that wants to do it.” Stan reiterated.

“Yeah.” Tubbs said as a light bulb went off in his head. “You know Stan, you're right. I'm going into Castillo and get the works going for my transfer back down here. Told Sonny it wouldn't bother me if he was my boss and I think that could start the ball rolling. ‘Sides, I don't have anything to go home to, rather work here anyway. Then I'll work more on that stubborn son of a bitch.”

“Sounds real good and I’d really enjoy working with you again. You're the senior lead detective up in New York, right?”

“I'd like to work with you and the gang again too and yeah, I'm the senior lead detective up in Naw Yark.” Tubbs gave a confused gaze at his friend.

“No, all I mean is that Sonny would have you to be his senior detective, though knowing Sonny he'll be the hands on type, more so than Castillo.”

“You got that right. Can't see Sonny just doing paperwork, holding meetings with us and the higher ups and not having his hands on the operations around here.” The New Yorker agreed.

“Plus, having you around will help with anger management, especially when he has to deal with the higher up, though he’s gotten better in civilian life.” Both men giggled at the thought of Sonny’s temper and his fleeting moods.

“He would need an anchor for those moods of his.” Rico mused.

They stopped talking when Sonny came out of Castillo’s office.

“Hey partner, you ok?” Rico asked the question that he had always asked several times a day when they worked as a team.

“Yeah, just wanted to find out some things ……… ‘bout……y’know, what I told you last night.” Sonny knew Rico understood what he was talking about. All the money he gave to the unit and what it was being used for. Sonny just didn’t want anyone to know and felt badly when he had to be so evasive around Stan.

“I have to see the man myself so you behave yourself.” Tubbs told him, seeing how Sonny was eying up the ladies all dressed up to hit the streets.

The subject changed quickly when Sonny looked at the four women coming into the squad room in their costumes.

“You know me, Tubbs.” He spoke not taking his eyes off the four beautiful women.

“Yeah, that’s what I'm afraid of.” Tubbs let out a chuckle and shook his head while heading for Castillo’s office.

Sonny whistled, knowing that would get a reaction from Gina and Trudy.

“You still play those boyish games, Crockett? One would think you've smartened up, some.” Gina smiled jokingly at her ex-lover.

“Can’t help it, darlin’. You and Trudy always look soooo gooood. And seein’ the young, beautiful Tanya, wearin’ that number. Well now that there is just a crime. It can fire any man up and I'm not immune.” Sonny joked back, his Southern drawl coming out. “Come ‘ere, sweetheart.”

Tanya stepped brazenly up to Crockett, her partner nervously stayed back by Trudy and Gina who were watching to see the next move.

“Hey Crockett, it’s good to see you.” Tanya gave Sonny back the same fantastic smile as she let him snake his arms around her waist and pull her down on his lap.

“I hear good things about you, darlin’, you've learned from the best.” He still smiled and gave her an affectionate hug, “Party on my boat tonight, why don't you come with your partner who I haven't had the pleasure of meetin’ yet.”

“Crockett you are so incorrigible, but you were always one of my favorite cops.” She hugged him back and then motioned to her partner, “Sonny, this is Julie Parish. She’s been on board a month now. Julie, the famous Sonny Crockett, I told you about him and I know you've heard of him. Don't be shy.”

Julie stuffed down her nerves and hoped her cheeks weren’t noticeably red. Tanya had told her a lot about this man. She had also known the hell of a reputation he had. Julie couldn't help staring at this older man who she found simply gorgeous.

“I don't bite darlin’” Sonny smiled; taking pleasure in the affect he knew he was having on this young girl. He took Julie’s hand. He stopped briefly to hear Gina put her two cents in.

“I’d still watch out, I don't think he’s had his shots.” Gina giggled with the rest of them. She too had fallen under the Crockett spell, his looks and charm, years ago. She could recognize the symptoms in the rookie.

Sonny nodded at her joke, kissed Julie’s hand and turned his jade green eyes up at the young woman, “I've had my shoots, sweetheart, don't give them a listen. Even kept up on ‘em.” He drawled.

The howls and laughs grew louder as the stakes of the game had grown.

Julie felt embarrassed and again prayed that no one noticed the blush that heated her face. Tanya rose from Crockett’s lap. Julie could feel her palm sweat as he still held her one hand and didn't know how Tanya could be so calm holding his other.

“I know ya gotta go to work. Been a pleasure, be careful on the stroll.”

“It’s not only that we gotta work, but I think Julie and me are too hot for you,” Tanya looked at Crockett’s lap, “my seat was getting, oh, shall I say, too hard?” Tanya winked as the howls kept up.

“Well if that were true, darlin’, then I ‘spect you must have enjoyed it way too much.” Sonny enjoyed playing along and gave a winked back at the pretty detective. He stood up and watched as the girls started to leave. The ex-detective gave back another incredible smile to Tanya as she sauntered off. He got a kick out of watching Julie blush yet again when he directed the same devastating smile at her before she left to follow the other three women.

“Good save, Crockett. I just love our tennis matches. I've missed them. I think Julie needs to get used to you and that good ole’ Southern boy charm.” She threw over her shoulder as she opened the door. Julie dashed quickly to the door making a mental note to straggle her partner at her remark.

“So do I, so do I. And Julie, I hope you’ll come to the party tonight. I promise you'll get used to me.” Sonny threw back at the girls. He had always liked Tanya after meeting her through Joey. Tanya was fun to joke around with and had balls, he liked that. Crockett watched her leave, amusement washed all over his face. He also found something sweet and alluring about this girl, Julie. C’mon Crockett, she’s too you for ya. He chastised himself.

Tubbs came out of the office with Castillo. He saw Tanya leaving and heard the last part of what must have been why everyone was doubled over. He smiled, Sonny could sure get a room going, but he had also seen Castillo’s face at the noise. Although he saw a small amused look on the lieutenants face, that only Sonny could bring out, as he stood in the doorway.

“Don't you people have work to do?” Came the stoic voice.

Everyone started to quickly get back to work after hearing their boss’s voice. Sonny laughed at this. He remembered how it felt to be on the other side.

“You still have it, Marty.” The blond shook his head, “So what’s up partner?”

Tubbs looked at the lieutenant. “Tubbs I'll get right on the phone and get back to you. Good seeing you and having you back aboard. Sonny, it’s always good to see you.” Castillo filed back into his office.

Sonny gave Rico a confused look. “Like I asked, what’s up, partner?”

“Told ya I was thinking of transferring back down here and being here just made up my mind. I'm transferring back to Vice as senior lead detective.” He grinned at Sonny’s opened mouth.

“Well, I'll be damned. Guess congratulations are in order and the parties coming at the right time.” Crockett was mulling over what he had just learned. A pang of jealousy hit him at knowing that Rico would have his old job. Then again, Rico deserved it and Sonny would see him more. He tried his best to convince himself before doing what he did best and shrugged it off, for another time.

Sonny wrapped his arm around Rico’s shoulder and Rico did the same as they said their farewells.

“Do you know that everyone calls us the dynamic duo? And that they say we're a legend in our own time?”

“Yeah, they're all embellished, heard some of them there stories, pal. Not to underestimate what we did out there. But we sound more like comic book heroes.” Crockett howled at the name he hadn't told his buddy about, he tried to calm down before commenting on the second part of what Rico had asked, “I think it’s more like a legend in our own minds, type deal.” He saw the smirk he got back from his ex-partner, “oh c’mon, if anything we'll make a mint with Marvel comics.” He released Tubbs shoulder and then bumped him. Both doubled over from laughter over the comic book joke.

“And who would we be in the world of Marvel comics?” The words escaped through Rico’s laughter. He swore from how hard Sonny was howling that the blond swiped a tear from his face, before trying to calm down again.

“How the hell do I know, maybe the Cape Crusaders. You being Robin, of course.” Sonny stopped to gasp in air and at seeing Tubbs sputtering with laughter as he held up his middle finger at Crockett.

By the time they had finished clowning around the sun could be seen shining through the main doors to Gold Coast Shipping. Putting on their shade, they left knowing there was plenty to do in order to get ready for the party.
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