Just Cause Cerebel Said I Could.

Oct 16, 2008 16:27

So, I'm sick (a lot sicker than I thought yesterday), skipping Hindi class, and putting off doing my Religious Studies homework, and cerebel posted a procrastination excuse fun looking meme.

Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about ( Read more... )

meme, fandom, random

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Comments 3

cerebel October 17 2008, 22:09:48 UTC
Your parts of the Love Song were freaking amazing. It's truth.


iamtheuberlorax October 18 2008, 19:42:24 UTC
You're sick!?!?!? *plots death upon whatever pathogen caused this* >_> Anywho, I will not be reading any of these, (obvious reasons) but I would like to remind you that I never got to finish reading that AU HP fic where Snape was the werewolf instead of Lupin. Also may I remind you that you said you would email/send/give/read it to me OVER A YEAR AGO. *pokes* On a side note, I still think it's hilarious that you ship two people for the sole reason that the have the same name. Oh and do you know when you're coming home for Thanksgiving?

Hope you feel better soon.


vibishan October 18 2008, 20:33:55 UTC
It's just a cold.

Lir/Liir OTP 4EVAH!!!


I give in. Here's the link

Um...on Thanksgiving? Wednesday?


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