Just Cause Cerebel Said I Could.

Oct 16, 2008 16:27

So, I'm sick (a lot sicker than I thought yesterday), skipping Hindi class, and putting off doing my Religious Studies homework, and cerebel posted a procrastination excuse fun looking meme.

Sometimes it's ok to pimp yourself out. Post a list of your top five fic-favorites you've written, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've written, but what you LOVE most. Then tag five other people to do the same. Do it if you want?

So, on my masterlist things are already tagged by personal favorites and those I consider to be highest in quality, and it's amazing how rarely those two coincide.

First off, there's Paean in White and Gold. And, okay, so it's Jadis/Aslan blasphemous het bestiality porn. Very few people will ever read it. Still. There's so much emotional and philsophical material in the history of Christian theology, heresy, and culture, and I feel like Paean works on both levels of the allegory really well. It's both Jadis/Aslan AND Satan/Jesus. Even though it's PWP, it's also about what it *means* that I have these two deeply significant, multi-layered symbol-characters fucking, and *why*. I feel like their emotions and banter and blind spots conveyed something meaningful and subtle about christian myth, good and evil, theodicy...and in a *ficlet*, omg. Plus, I don't care how pervy it makes me, *I* still think it's hot.

Next is definitely Escalatory Behaviors. It's Alex Mahone/Michael Scofield/Paul Kellerman, and it is THE S2 Prison Break fic that I wanted to write for them. I love all three of these guys so much, and Paul does not get enough love in fandom. The masses of mindfuck drove me crazy when I was trying to write it, but it's exactly the dynamic I felt they should have. I love their mutual back-and-forth manipulations, and I love that they end up more-or-less together, more-or-less happy.

Third is Between Heartbeats. It's Tin Man, Wyatt/Jeb, which for those unfamiliar with the fandom means father/son incest. (I'm actually shocked by what a good response it got anyway.) A couple people had written fics where they slept together without realizing each other's identities until afterward, and I wanted to see if I could get them together sane, sober, and fully informed. This fic doesn't pull any punches, mining the Tin Man universe, and the miserable history of the Cain family in particular, for all the angst that it's worth. It also gets these two very estranged men, whom (admittedly mildly trope-y)circumstances have given a last chance to connect, a poignant emotional breakthrough. And the end manages to be a little hopeful, after all.

Fourth is a pretty recent Prison Break fic, Breaking Through the Surface. I wanted to write something, preferably with this title, that explored the Alex/Sara addiction connection ever since the episode in season two where she finds out he uses tranquilizers and replies "You must feel like you're walking underwater." I think I did Alex's grief really well, and that the water metaphor works beautifully throughout the whole story. Also, there's been a surge recently in fannish love for Alex/Michael/Sara, and I feel like it missed this fic by a few weeks, which makes me sad.

Lastly, the most random little crossover ficlet ever: Appetites of Affection. It's a crossover between The Last Unicorn (Peter S. Beagle) and Son of a Witch (Gregory Maguire), predicated solely on the fact that I wanted to pair up two characters with (almost) the same name. Lir/Liir surprised me by working really well; Lir is obnoxious and Liir is mild and noble and they're both damaged by their callous parents, and I want to hug them both and give them the happily ever after together that neither of their dark fantasy 'verses will give them. I think they're adorable and I will ship them forever.

Some have more plot than others, but every last one of these is NC-17. This says so much about me.

If I got to name runners up, I'd add a few without sex, some of which are part of works by other people cerebel, or were only drabbles:

Sentient Creatures, which is a drabble tag to cerebel's Tomorrow is a Long Time. It's short, angsty, and (I think) ethically profound. Also, Invasion rocks, y'all.

The sections I wrote in cerebel's The Second (and Last) Love Song of Alexander Mahone. I don't remember exactly what was who, but I wrote Alex's phone conversation with his wife and son, and they turned out really well - hope, heartbreak, withdrawal and all.

Lies is four hundred words exactly of Dexter/Brian mind games and denial, and some really pretty sociopathic imagery. Every word is absolutely necessary for the effect of the whole - it's very, very neat. Dexter would approve. *cuddles this drabble*

The Untitled Drabble that started the Foursome verse. Four pundits and four hundred words of porn that still manages to convey their individual personalites. Plus, it started a universe, which is always fun.

The only full fic(let) I'd add here would be Graveyard Shift, which is pretty much the angstwhore's version of PWP. It's several hundred words of pure, unadulterated pain, and these two guys struggling and flailing and trying not to drown in it. Also, Invasion still rocks.

So those are my favorites, from the sexy semi-epic monsters to the quirky bits and pieces.

Anybody else who wants to play, go right ahead and spread the egotistical love.

meme, fandom, random

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