Feb 08, 2007 01:27
When I have something long to say, I tend to put a cut-tag after a very brief intro, so as not to clutter everyone's friends page. But I'm beginning to wonder whether I'm cutting them too short, and people aren't seeing those posts when they scan down the page. So, I was wondering...
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Comments 6
Either way, I ascribe to the - it's your journal and your rules - idea, but I do understand the issue.
The last question I also had a problem choosing an answer for. The main reason I see to cut-tag meme results (especially the generated-quiz ones) is that they frequently go wider than the average friends page and break formatting across the whole friends page.
I've cut things after two words if I think they'll only appeal to a small subset of my readership, and I've left long important posts uncut.
And meme posts that include images cause lots of breakage. I often read lj on my wireless pda, and the screen is only 480 pixels wide. If a post includes a wide image, one that will require downloading a lot of pixels, or yet another fetch off to some overloaded server (have you seen the "How well do you know me" quiz thing that's been going around? Nice concept, painfully slow) then it seriously degrades my ability to read lj at all.
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