
May 05, 2010 15:28


Please. I'll buy you cookies.

Pleeeaaaase. I'll go to a release party dressed like Pascal and drag my bro along who has an Asbel costume.


pleaaaaaseOkay. Before I take a nap, this is concerning my project for laytaaah ( Read more... )

cosplay, tales

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Comments 25

tsuzuki_misaki May 5 2010, 20:39:20 UTC
1. I like wearing outfits that I normally wouldn't and playing dress-up
2. All the pretty colours, details, and everything. It's like an eye-gasm haha
3. Kinda show-offy and competitive but can be friendly
4. Being with my friends!! <3
5. You bastard! You killed 4!

Fav tales skit: alsdkfja i don't remembaaaa. Choose a random one from TOS


vesperia May 7 2010, 02:02:13 UTC
Thanks for your input! It helpful. :D


littlelinor May 5 2010, 20:43:36 UTC
Now I want them to localize it just to see you in a Pascal costume. My priorities, let me show you them.

1) I've only done Raine, once.
2) a) showing off my sewing skills, b) feeling like a hardcore fan, c) dressing up0 never gets old, especially to be retarded with friends while in costume
4) Only been to a couple, but gods, the crowds ><
5) Nauseous for you. Want some ginger to make it better?

TALES: Durr, my favourites are either sad ones or japanese ones. Not my fault Rebirth and Hearts have epic skits. Favourites being Innes's SUPER HUGE skits, any skit with Mao pwning Tytree, and in the English-translated ones, I like the one where Zelos and Genis bond over I SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN BORN agtst, because I'm biased. But huuuh I dunno. Natalia cqasting Heal on her cooking? Yuri being awesome? RISTELLE?


vesperia May 7 2010, 02:03:39 UTC
I'll probably make her costume one day anyway just for the hell of it. Not playing a game has never stopped me coughRidcough!!

And thanks for answering the thingy :D

Hahah omigad, if my class understood Japanese I'd show the POSUTO NI KIMATTERUJANAIKAAAAAAAAAAAA one with Shing and Hisui. Shit makes me rofl.


littlelinor May 7 2010, 02:28:40 UTC
... Reid? I wanna see that XD

And which one? *memory fail* What's it about?


vesperia May 7 2010, 03:36:38 UTC
It's after the Rignatol Garrison, Kohaku and Innes and the others get separated and Innes tells them to meet up "where they delivered the letter". Hisui's like, Okay Shing, do you know what she meant by that? I guess in a way you would ask a preschooler to see if they understood. And Shing's like Yeah! THE POST OFFICE 8Db! and Hisui punches him in the face. I died laughing.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v160/redangelhikaru/Otakon%2008/Otakon08046.jpg :D?


thinkoverroses May 5 2010, 21:06:36 UTC
I would love to see you as Pascal. I want to do a Cheria cosplay. :D AHHH I WANT GRACES ( ... )


vesperia May 7 2010, 02:05:54 UTC
I totally want to do her just because her hair is like, amazing. But that's between you and me. |D

And thank you for answering! And to answer your faecbook comment, yes, this is for my project :D

Hahah! Skits with Rita in them are usually gold, especially with Raven. They are hilarious...


thinkoverroses May 7 2010, 05:14:02 UTC
Her hair is fantastic. I wish my hair looked like that! COOLEST HAIRSTYLE EVER.

Ahhh, I thought so. =3 Good luck!

They're always winners. Most things with Rita in them are just automatically amazing. That happened fairly often with Jade, too. Sarcasm = win.


rhambling May 5 2010, 21:07:50 UTC
Yes Bamco release ToG in English. I'll buy it again if you do.

1. So tell me, why do you cosplay? Well I've cosplayed Keele, Raven, and Alkaid(from .hack//G.U.). And I'll be cosplaying Norway(from Hetalia) and Innes in the summer. I do it for the fun, because I luv the characters I dress up as.

2. If you find it enjoyable, why is that? I like dressing up? Idk

3. In one (or a few) word(s), can you describe what you feel the US cosplay scene/culture is like? I don't live in the US.

4. Is there any aspect of cons/cosplay that stands out the most to you? Not that I can think of, then again I'm running on very little sleep.

5. I ate number 5. How does that make you feel? Give it back, waifu.

1. What is your favorite skit? Preferably one that is voiced, and one that's in English. And one that's funny, especially for people who are not familiar with the series can understand. This one. Not in English but I still luv it.


vesperia May 7 2010, 02:06:59 UTC
Inorite. :|a

Thanks for answering this! Helpful, it is.

LOL OMG, that skit was hilarious hahaha. ...Dammit BAMCO 8U

Also I saw the present you gave me AHHHHHH thank you husbando ♥


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vesperia May 7 2010, 02:08:20 UTC
Thanks Griff! :D

Yeah, talking to a lot of other people, Vesperia seems to be general consensus of funny skits (did this sentence make any sense? probably not...) I'll probably pick something from that. :o


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vesperia May 7 2010, 03:37:38 UTC
Yeah, that and I guess I don't really know Legendia that well so I don't know what to look for...? Though some of ToS2's skits with Tenebrae are prety hilarious, too.


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