[6] [Vocal Transmission]

Sep 26, 2008 23:44

[Severe coughing is heard and the sound of someone banging on things with a damp rang rings clear through the speaker].

"Stupid dust and [cough] dirt and...what was-  OHMYGOSHCOCHROACHES!!!"

[Helena's scream almost breaks the speaker phone on the PDA but through the mostly girlish scream there can be made out the sounds of books being tossed and slammed up against the wall and floor of the room she's in].

[Cough cough, panting, some slight nervous giggling].

"So-so [cough] sorry about that... I was just going to let everyone know how I was doing [cough,hack] now that I've made my way to the church rect'ry but- well, it's dirty!"

[More coughing, and then giggling. Suddenly Helena cleans out her throat and begins talking, as if quoting, in a humorous mocking kind of way and in a very low voice, obviously immitating a man]... "Something you'll always want to avoid in life... the junk room."

"Should have listened..." [You hear her say in her normal voice].  "Anyway, I just wanted to let anyone who cares, really, know that I'm at the church now and well, the Doctor he's up on the Balcony, but I'm down here and I could always use some help trying to get through all this junk!"

[Silence, some shuffling about, the occasion gasp for air, the sound of Helena recklessly dusting with a damp rag again are all heard in a collaboration of sounds, everything being done at once and in a great hurry].

"I will get this cleaned up! ... Oh! And Cissie and Alice, I hope to see the both of you soon!"

[The sudden sound of Helena fumbling with her PDA is heard as another scream comes over the speaker with another hysterical announcement about more cochroaches... ending with a rather brief and abrupt click].
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