[5] [Accidental Voice Post]

Sep 19, 2008 13:53

[Some tinkering and movement is heard nearby and the vague sound of someone drawing with markers on cloth is heard].

"Bored bored bored bored. Bored bored bored bored... Bob?  Hehehehe, Bob Bob Bob Bob.. Malcom?"

[Distinct giggling is heard close to the PDA, some shuffling sounds, the continued sound of marker on cloth and then...]

"Right!  I'm pretty sure that's how I had it- [Sound of Helena turning over in her bed] -last time."

[More shuffling, more giggling].

"Now, let's see if I can remember.... Oh wait, HAHA! Oh that would be good."

[Sound of markers on cloth again... the shortly afterwards Helena is heard talking in a softer tone and accent].

"I am the queen of everything in this room, I am the queen of the bed and the laundry, of the chair in the corner and the pictures on the wall and all the little wiggly things, and everybody who looks at me says 'oh! she is such a wonderful queen, she is so normal and not ever embarassing at all and she is such a good queen who stays in one place forever and has nothing to worry about except...

[Sudden noise of something flying into the air at which point Helena starts talking in lower keys to sound very masculine, grumpy and very much alsmot like the warden on a very bad day]...

"AH!! BUT I AM THE WARDEN OF EVIL! Who will rip you from your normal life and I must warn you!  You cannot escape my cunning use of black magic markers!!!"

[Loud laughter is heard, lots of shuffling, and then sound of the PDA falling to the ground and turning off].
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