Now that I think of it, Meg and Lilly have one thing in common, that being a certain magentism. Lilly's ability to be full of life and carefree is what drew people to her and Meg's innocence and well, the ability to believe that cartoon birds braiding her hair is what drew people to her. Now that I've begun watching the first season episodes again thanks to the DVDs, I always thought that Mac would wind up being the Lilly substitute for the new Veronica. However, Mac seemed to lay low while Meg came into the picture more. Meg was the perfect girl who everyone percieved to be just so except during Like a Virgin with the purity test results. Everyone around Lilly percieved her to have it all when in actuality, there was more to her below the surface. And in the end, what drew people to them was their undoing. In Lilly's case, it was her love for men and in Meg's case, it was her perfect appearance. And why did this happen? Because two people (Aaron Echolls and Kimmy) were going to/getting screwed over by this. Lilly was going to sell
( ... )
As to who could have made the call from the Echoll's place. Well, Veronica said it was from a number she didn't recognize (nice creepy shout out to the pool house there Logan), but could it have been Kendall? I know he said that the caller was male, but, hmmm...
I doubt Kendall would've been at the party because most likely Dick and Beaver would've been. it would make no sense that she would be at a highschool party, that'd be too hard to explain away. unless of course she was picking up one of the boys...but..ehh it'd be a little weird to slip away to make a phone call.
Notice Weevil didn't explain the meeting with Curly at the Roadhog.
Well my thought about Kendall is that the phone is in some out of the way place (which is why Veronica doesn't know the number). Away from prying high school eyes.
Quite possibly the pool house because, despite Logan's joke about the pool boy, I don't imagine it is someplace he goes often if ever. And if he does....Creepy.
Casa de Creepy.
And I can't picture Veronica going back there in the summer.
The hotel thing seemed to imply that Kendall and Logan like conducting their affair just under everyone's noses.
Hmmm true...definitely something to consider...but i still think it's a little too close for comfort. but who knows? this show always has its ways of surprising us! :)
This post was really good. I swear, it could be published somewhere. I really liked your points. I'm worried about something with Meg's little sister and Duncan.
I still don't get why Veronica is with Duncan except for security and normalcy. I do think/hope VD doesn't last though, and I am very glad Logan and Veronica are acutally at least talking. I agree with everything you say though. The daddy thing is going to have a lot to do with this season. It's all about daddies right now and Keith seems to be next.
Comments 16
I doubt Kendall would've been at the party because most likely Dick and Beaver would've been. it would make no sense that she would be at a highschool party, that'd be too hard to explain away. unless of course she was picking up one of the boys...but..ehh it'd be a little weird to slip away to make a phone call.
Notice Weevil didn't explain the meeting with Curly at the Roadhog.
I did notice that...good call :)
great post! lots of things to ponder...
Well my thought about Kendall is that the phone is in some out of the way place (which is why Veronica doesn't know the number). Away from prying high school eyes.
Quite possibly the pool house because, despite Logan's joke about the pool boy, I don't imagine it is someplace he goes often if ever. And if he does....Creepy.
Casa de Creepy.
And I can't picture Veronica going back there in the summer.
The hotel thing seemed to imply that Kendall and Logan like conducting their affair just under everyone's noses.
I'm convinced it is NOT Logan.
It has to be someone who knows the Echolls house and who knows it possibly better than Veronica.
I suppose it could be Dick.
Maybe he wasn't supposed to bring Cassidy on the limo and has made some connections...
Or maybe it is Big Dick trying to frame Logan in the long run.
I don't know. Still working on it.
Oh, and thanks.
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