Drabble - Swords

May 14, 2007 23:37

Drabble Prompt 02 for potc_dogwatch
Title: Swords
Rating: G
Disclaimer: One belongs to Buena Vista and Bruckheimer; the other, to tanith75
Summary: Inspired by tanith75’s story Pretend (J/E, but sideline to a portrayal of Will). I love the idea of Will!worship by the next generation.
Spoilers for AWE: Probably. Definitely based on speculation.

When the storm hits, he’s first in the rigging. Others fear the gale he welcomes. He has seen The Ferryman, grown up with His merciful specter woven into lullabies from both parents.

The ship lists heavily, and he releases the sail to plunge feetfirst into black waves.

When he comes to, he is starstruck by his first real pirate yet again. “You are neither dead nor dying,” the captain observes, helping him up.

Jackson Sparrow stammers, betraying his fifteen years. “I w-want to learn the sword.”


“Da says you’re the best.”

He snorts, though fondly. “As well he ought.”
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