Drabble - Swords

May 14, 2007 23:37

Drabble Prompt 02 for potc_dogwatch
Title: Swords
Rating: G
Disclaimer: One belongs to Buena Vista and Bruckheimer; the other, to tanith75
Summary: Inspired by tanith75’s story Pretend (J/E, but sideline to a portrayal of Will). I love the idea of Will!worship by the next generation.
Spoilers for AWE: Probably. Definitely based on speculation.

When the storm hits, he's first in the rigging )

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Comments 18

tanith75 May 15 2007, 03:52:52 UTC
Oh my gosh, you have no idea how flattered I am you liked my portrayal of Will worship (hehe borrowing your phrase) enough to inspire you to write this. It makes me squee :)

Loved this,

“Da says you’re the best.”

He snorts, though fondly. “As well he ought.”

Yes Will did enjoy besting Jack, didn't he.

Wonderful drabble, my dear :)


veronica_rich May 15 2007, 03:57:10 UTC
Hey, I figure if Jack gets the girl in this one, the least he can do is give Will proper credit. >:-D

Glad you like. Well-written Will is always worth reading.


tanith75 May 15 2007, 04:32:26 UTC
Yeah, he can give Will his "props" so to speak. But seriously, I love this.


pseudoblu May 15 2007, 03:57:05 UTC
Aw. That was sort of sweet. Loved the end very very much.


veronica_rich May 15 2007, 03:58:48 UTC
There's something about Will and kids; I don't know what it is. I don't particularly like kids, but I'm guessing Will would, and would be good with them, no matter their age. *G*



pseudoblu May 15 2007, 04:09:07 UTC
Well Orlando is beyond adorable with kids, so it makes sense that at least a bit would transfer to Will. Other than that, yeah I have no idea what it could be either.


veronica_rich May 16 2007, 23:43:44 UTC
BTW, did you see him on Leno last night, with the 9-year-old girl? Talk about timely discussion here!


ainsoph15 May 15 2007, 09:57:14 UTC
Will has his own fanboy! I'm assuming Jackson leapt off the ship on purpose in a bid to meet his hero. Oh my, how I giggled at the mention of his adulation of his 'first real pirate' - I wonder what Jack thought of that. Jackson's got his mother's eyes, I see!
I love the still-apparent respect and affection between Will and Jack. Once again, you've crammed so much into so few words.


veronica_rich May 16 2007, 23:43:14 UTC
I'm assuming Jackson leapt off the ship on purpose in a bid to meet his hero.

Look at who his parents are. The kid doesn't have a hope in hell of actually *thinking through* anything. *G*

Jack might have a twinge of jealousy that Will would be "pirate" to the kid, whereas he's just "Da," but I suspect it would be ameliorated by the sobering realization of what goes along with this particular piratey "office" of Will's and the sacrifices IT required.

Thanks for commenting!


tesan May 17 2007, 07:08:51 UTC
"When the storm hits, he’s first in the rigging. Others fear the gale he welcomes. He has seen The Ferryman, grown up with His merciful specter woven into lullabies from both parents."

I love that. Excellent drabble! :)


veronica_rich May 17 2007, 11:46:00 UTC
You read a piratey drabble! Yay!

(The spoiler is that in "At World's End," Will Turner is supposed to take Davy Jones's place as the captain of the Flying Dutchman, leading sailors mercifully into the afterworld when they die. The movie opens next Thursday!)


tesan May 18 2007, 19:54:14 UTC
I think piratey drabbles are the perfect length for me. :)

And, what good timing! I have to be in Sevierville at 5 pm to cover a ribbon-cutting ceremony. That will put me out in time to go see the movie that night. (And purchase $15 worth of plastic Piratey cups and popcorn buckets for a certain person.) :>


veronica_rich May 19 2007, 03:21:23 UTC
You probably know this, but if you can go by the theater before Thursday, or at least before your ribbon-cutting, and buy your ticket, that would be best - I suspect it'll sell out. (I didn't know you were even wanting to see it.)

Piratey drabbles are OK, but they don't have much in the way of smut. You need the longer fics for that. ;-)


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