Summary: Naruto is a young boy who tragically loses his parents and as a result has to move in with his new adoptive family - the Uchiha family. How will his relationship with young Sasuke develop as they grow up? AU, multi-chapter.
Author’s note: Hey, my beloved readers. Strangely, the title of this chapter coincides with the moments I did most of
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Comments 2
That was nice. I'm glad Sasuke wasnt a jerk ... much. i kinda hate it when Naruto doesnt come out looking or feeling smart but this worked out well and in the dark to boot!!
What is the second plan???? Ah! a cliffie!! I'll forgive this particular cliff hanger cos i kinda thought that the call was from a peeping tom who saw the boys. So thanks for calming my nerves. phew!!
Fugaku better not keep Naruto in the dark bout this. Bloody coup plotter!!!
I don't like "stupid Naruto" either, but I kinda needed him to at least appear dumb here so that everything would wrap up nicely. Anyway I will not make him stupid, I promise.
I'm sorry about the suspense of the second plot, but I honestly just wanted to see if people would be interested in more development of the story.
Thanks for the review XD
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