Title: Sweet
Setting: Sometime during the pilgrimage
Themes: 14 Sweet tooth, 30 Childhood, 77 Eating
Pairing: Auron/Rikku
Rating: K+
Warnings: None
Summary: Candy and fluff.
I've always had a hankering for the sweet stuff. It had been hard to get my hands on much, what with living at the ends of the planet, exiled from the rest of civilization and all, but sometimes Rin would surprise me with chocolates from Bevelle, or sugared fruits from the Guado, or salt taffy from Besaid. I usually stuffed as much as I could in my mouth and then buried the rest of the treasure in my room, safe from Brother or my dad (who was notorious for stealing candy from me, that evil bastard. He always said that it was because he didn't want my teeth to rot out of my head, but I think otherwise). That's how I was as a kid - desperately trying to hold onto the good stuff, knowing that it'd only be a matter of time before it'd be gone.
Sure, right.
Actually, it was more likely because I was a greedy bugger.
But all that's besides the point.
I'm still the same Rikku that I was back then, grabbing onto your arm and demanding your attention and sitting so close to you that I'm practically on your lap. I'm not hoarding candy anymore, I'm hoarding you. I want to get as much of you as I can; I need to have something to keep me going when our time together is all spent and our group disbands and you go away and I go back to being just an Al Bhed, and not an honored member of Yunie's guardians.
And your kisses are sweeter than anything I've tasted before.