I was hoping this would not happen so soon. And by "this" I mean another completely random unfair and, quite frankly, idiotic attempt at censorship and discrimination.
For those not in the know,
have a linky.
For those wanting arguments (do you need any?), see
my previous post.
I'm not locking this, because, damn it, I will not stay silent. And I urge you all (if you haven't already) to do the same. I've complained to Amazon (.co.uk, of whom I am a customer), and intend to boycot them until they change their policy. It'll cost me a lot, financially, but it's unavoidable. Please note, in case you think stripping sales ranks isn't that big a deal, that if you type "John Barrowman" into Amazon's search window, the hardcover autobiography no longer appears. You can find, should you look for it with appropriate search terms, some playboy material, listed under erotica. Somehow, Amazon didn't seem to think their own erotica category would contain "adult" material.
Apparently, we're calling this Amazonfail. Spread the word!
ETA: because I'm nothing if not precise: a
theory on the why of it, and a post on
why that doesn't exonerate them.