Leigh!fic | A Study in Weasley Chests (1/1) | Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks

Jun 04, 2013 21:30

Title: A Study in Weasley Chests (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: PG
Word Count: 744
Summary: "You show me yours, and I'll show you mine."
Author’s Notes: Written for ragdoll as part of my Spring 2013 Drabble Meme. I hope you enjoy this, hun!

A Study in Weasley Chests (1/1) )

pairing: charlie/tonks, spring drabble meme 2013, character: nymphadora tonks, leigh!fic, character: charlie weasley

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Comments 11

tamlane June 5 2013, 02:22:27 UTC


Formerly-pudgy and insecure Charlie! I didn't know I needed this, but oh did I ever need this. And wicked Tonks, teasing him about his brothers. (And mmm, Bill/Tonks subtext.) Eeeee, Charlie's POV is so perfect. Must add to memories.


leigh_adams June 9 2013, 22:50:20 UTC
HEE! I just sat down to think about it for a while, and I came to two conclusions.

1) No teenager is a sex god.

2) Given that Charlie has a short and stocky body type in canon, it would totally make sense for him to have dealt with a bit of a weight issue as an adolescent. That sort of thing can be fixed, but the insecurity would have lingered.

*SMOOSH* Thanks for reading, hun! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D


shy_of_reality June 5 2013, 04:09:02 UTC
I loved this :) I agree with everything that tamlane said and I love that Tonks was the initiator :)


leigh_adams June 9 2013, 22:50:45 UTC
Thanks, Becca! Glad you liked it. :D


ragdoll June 5 2013, 05:38:03 UTC
*flail* *squee* *giggles* THANK YOU!

I love this for so many reasons, including the fact that you included my head canon of ickle Chubby Charlie who got hot and buff when he got older. Your Tonks and your Charlie were perfect, and...woo hoo! ♥


leigh_adams June 9 2013, 22:51:49 UTC

Like I told tamlane in an earlier comment, it totally makes sense to me for short and stocky-ish Charlie to have dealt with weight problems as a kid. Easily remedied with diet, exercise, and a well-timed growth spurt, though.

I'm really glad you liked it. Thanks for the fun prompts! :D


ragdoll June 9 2013, 22:59:15 UTC
it totally makes sense to me for short and stocky-ish Charlie to have dealt with weight problems as a kid. Easily remedied with diet, exercise, and a well-timed growth spurt, though.

That's totally my head!canon. That he was chubby until he got to Hogwarts, then playing Quidditch and hitting puberty fixed things just fine. Head!canon also dictates that he wound up being kind of a jock later on -- that he's big on running and doing crunches etc. post-school cos he likes being buff. ;) Given that Molly isn't skinny, it stands to reason that the siblings with the more Prewett-y genes (Charlie and the Twins at least) aren't as blessed as the Weasley-y ones who are prolly like my ex who couldn't gain weight for love nor money. XD


thimble_kiss June 5 2013, 12:03:06 UTC
This felt so in character, with Charlie not so suave and confident and with his appreciation for Tonks's 'lack of awareness'. :) I loved that line because it seems like exactly the kind of quality in a girl that would appeal to a guy like Charlie. I also loved her snarky little comment about how Bill 'liked to forget his shirt' that echoed Charlie's thoughts about how he wasn't that type. Perhaps Tonks prefers Charlie's lack of awareness, too. :) And the last line was so funny and sweet! <3


leigh_adams June 9 2013, 22:53:09 UTC
For me writing this, it was important to remember that these characters are still in school. They're teenagers -- and I mean, really. No one is a sex god/goddess when they're seventeen. And yeah, a teenage boy's thoughts are probably running along the lines of "OMG BOOBS."

Eloquent, no. But truthful.

Thanks for the sweet comment, hun! *SMOOSH*


luvscharlie June 5 2013, 13:16:32 UTC
"If you show me yours, I'll show you mine."
My favorite words to ever hear in a fic are these-- heck, I liked them in real life too ;)

A split second later, after his brain had processed the meaning behind her words, he was ripping his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side.
That's my boy.

I love, love, love everything about this as you've captured everything enchanting about them that I love!


leigh_adams June 9 2013, 22:54:12 UTC
I like that there was a momentary disconnect between hearing and processing... Wait, I get to see her BOOBS? *rips shirt off*

Teenage boys, man. They're not the most suave of creatures. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed it, Shannon! This was a fun piece to write.


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