Leigh!fic | A Study in Weasley Chests (1/1) | Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks

Jun 04, 2013 21:30

Title: A Study in Weasley Chests (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Charlie Weasley/Nymphadora Tonks
Rating: PG
Word Count: 744
Summary: "You show me yours, and I'll show you mine."
Author’s Notes: Written for ragdoll as part of my Spring 2013 Drabble Meme. I hope you enjoy this, hun!

"Take off your shirt."

Charlie blinked at the girl sitting across from him. He was still flushed with the exhiliration only a Quidditch victory could supply; his blood was running hot, his cheeks flushed, and there was still a heady thread of adrenaline pumping through him. With their victory over Slytherin, they were in prime position to take the Quidditch Cup again.

He was a simple bloke. He liked Quidditch, and he liked his girl. The firewhiskey he'd smuggled up to the North Tower with them was just icing on the cake.

His girl. He liked thinking of Tonks as such. It was a recent development, but it was something he'd privately been thinking of for a while. He didn't know what it was -- they'd come back from their summer holiday, but she'd changed. She had a woman's body where she'd previously been all knees and elbows. Sure, she was still tripping over her own feet, but it was just... different.

It wasn't just the fact she'd grown a pair of tits. He'd had his eye on Tonks for at least a year. There was something strangely alluring about her complete lack of awareness. The other girls in their year tried. She didn't. She laughed freely instead of giggling, made bawdy jokes where her peers flirted and preened, and eschewed her natural brown curls in favor of a shorty, spiked do; typically in a retina-searing shade of pink.

"What'd you say?"

Tonks crinkled his nose at him and took another swig from her flask. "Your shirt. Take it off."

He quirked his head at her. "Um, why?"

"Awww, come off it, Charlie. Will you just take your shirt off already?"

"Not until you tell me why." He crossed his arms over his chest and fixed her with what he felt was a serious look. He'd never been one of those Quidditch players to prance around bare-chested after training. He was still a bit self conscious from his early years. While Bill and Percy were tall and lean, Charlie favored the Prewett side of his family and was short and stocky. His body type had led to a bit of a weight problem as a child; something that hadn't really corrected itself until he was almost sixteen.

"Do I have to have a reason for wanting to see my boyfriend shirtless?"

She had a point.

"Besides." Tonks' voice took on a more playful tone, and her pink hair momentarily darkened to a deep shade of violet. "If you show me yours, I'll show you mine."

Charlie blinked again. A split second later, after his brain had processed the meaning behind her words, he was ripping his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side.

Tonks laughed, and the sound made all the blood in his body rush straight to his groin. "Very nice," she said appreciatively. Charlie's eyes watched as she set her flask to the side and crawled over to him. She hitched one leg over his and straddled his lap, letting her arms rest loosely on his shoulders. Her lips found his, and she kissed him softly before whispering, "Much better than your brother."

He slid his hands over to the small of her back, fingertips inching towards her bum. His tongue flicked against hers quickly -- and then her words sunk in, and he pulled back to look at Tonks. A frown creased his forehead. "When did you see my brother without his shirt on? Which one?"

"Percy, of course. I'm dating the Gryffindor Quidditch captain by day and corrupting his fourteen year-old brother by night." She laughed and settled against him, crinkling her nose at him. "Bill liked to 'forget his shirt' after training. Bumped into him once when he was 'bout to head back to the castle."


Tonks sighed and rolled her eyes at the little frown still on his face. Reaching for the hem of her own shirt, she tugged it over her head and let it fall to the side.

He wasn't lost in thought enough not to look. His eyes instinctively dropped to her bra; simple and cotton with full breasts straining against the fabric. He could see her nipples puckered against the minimal padding, hardened by the cool night breeze.

She leaned in and kissed his frown away, pulling back when he started to lean in to the kiss. Her lips curled.

"You're the only Weasley who gets to see them, though."

pairing: charlie/tonks, spring drabble meme 2013, character: nymphadora tonks, leigh!fic, character: charlie weasley

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