Leigh!fic | A Spot of Advice (1/1) | Stephen & Jonathan Cornfoot

Jan 07, 2012 16:37

Title: A Spot of Advice (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Stephen & Jonathan Cornfoot
Rating: G
Word Count: 598
Summary: Stephen gives his son advice on women.
Author’s Notes: This was written for mugglechump as part of my Unemployment 2011 Drabble Meme -- which has now become my Unemployment 2011-2012 Drabble Meme. -_- After a long absence, I'm ready to ( Read more... )

unemployment 2011 drabble meme, character: jonathan cornfoot, leigh!fic, character: stephen cornfoot

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Comments 8

mollywheezy January 7 2012, 21:51:50 UTC
ROTFL that he's talking to a five-year-old! I did not see that one coming. Great job! :D


leigh_adams January 10 2012, 02:00:34 UTC
Thank you! I was going for the fake out, so I'm glad it worked. :D


mugglechump January 8 2012, 03:37:53 UTC
:D This is adorable. Poor Jonathan always gets more than he bargained for with his parents. Well, his family in general. I suppose Josh is pretty low maintenance with Jon, but the rest of them... Whew! He loves them, though. Especially his mummy, yes? Cassie's listening.

Speaking of Cassie listening, Stephen is fortunate she wasn't listening to his advice. She says she's not the least bit temperamental. Except when he's clearly wrong. ;D

Thank you, dear!


leigh_adams January 10 2012, 02:03:42 UTC
The boys are low maintenance. The girls... are so not.

Stephen says that his wife is convinced she's always right, even when she's not. And yes, she is very temperamental. His little viper. :*

You're so welcome! :D


elle_blessing January 8 2012, 08:09:12 UTC
*giggles* I love, love, love that at the end we find that Jonathan was only 5 XD

Great job!


leigh_adams January 10 2012, 02:02:48 UTC
Was totes what I was going for, so I'm glad it worked. And that it gave you a giggle. :D

Glad you liked!


gelsey September 15 2015, 04:18:47 UTC

Very sweet!


thimble_kiss September 15 2015, 16:42:34 UTC
I was reading along, grinning to myself, mentally conceding points about the emotional high-maintenance of women - and then came the revelation that he was talking to his 5-year-old son and I just about melted into a puddle. (And suddenly that comment about not hitting women, not even his sisters, made perfect sense! :D)


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