Leigh!fic | Her Storm (1/1) | Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson

Dec 06, 2010 17:02

Title: Her Storm (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Harry Potter/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,026
Summary: He hadn't expected this.
Author’s Notes: This was written as part of my 2010 Christmas drabble meme. scarletladyy requested Harry/Pansy with the prompt "storm." The inspiration for this little ficlet came from Sleeping With GhostsRead more... )

pairing: harry/pansy, character: harry potter, character: pansy parkinson, leigh!fic, christmas drabble meme 2010

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Comments 16

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leigh_adams December 6 2010, 23:16:34 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! :*


carrie_leigh December 6 2010, 22:28:09 UTC
My word, Leigh. That was so sad. Perfect and sad. As ever, your Pansy was spot on!

Love you!


leigh_adams December 6 2010, 23:17:57 UTC
I'm not gonna lie, Carrie, I did a little fangirl squee when you said. To quote the most recent episode of Nikita:

"It's like Sauron's come down from Mount Doom to ask me to craft the One True Ring."

You = Sauron (minus the utter ebilness)

*snuggles* Thank you, hun! Love you too! :*


carrie_leigh December 6 2010, 23:21:42 UTC
That made me laugh. Out Loud.

Then I got a picture of me as The Eye, watching all the Pansy Authors.



leigh_adams December 6 2010, 23:36:32 UTC
And then when something I write isn't up to snuff, you can lock me on top of the tower like Whatshisface did to Gandalf in the first movie.

Glad I could give you a giggle. :*


dexstarr December 6 2010, 23:02:09 UTC
Woah, Leigh. I absolutely loved this. Very haunting, and very sad what happened to Pansy. Possibly even more sad since Mr Hero didn't speak up and do something about it. Loved loved loved your Pansy.


leigh_adams December 6 2010, 23:18:46 UTC
Aww, thank you, hun! I'm glad you liked it. I was sitting at my desk at work, chanting, "This fic is crap, this fic is crap," over and over again. I'm glad it wasn't total fail!


dexstarr December 6 2010, 23:21:32 UTC
♥ It's not fail at all, you silly rabbit. Obviously you need *smooshes!*


fiery_flamingo December 6 2010, 23:09:25 UTC
D: So sad. Very good but so sad. Great work, hun.


leigh_adams December 6 2010, 23:19:06 UTC
You know me, I revel in the heartache and angst.

Glad you liked it, bebe. :*


dollfaced December 7 2010, 17:05:30 UTC
SO HEARTBREAKING! The ending was perfection. I thought Harry was spot on in this, btw.


leigh_adams December 7 2010, 22:51:49 UTC
I know, right? :(

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I never write Harry, so I'm glad you think that I got his character right.



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