It's the most wonderful time of the year...

Nov 16, 2010 19:57

So, it's that time of year again. The year is winding down, and it's almost time for CHRISTMAS! :D

Last year I sent out Christmas cards to those whose address I have. This year, I don't think I'm going to be able to send them. I really want to, but with my living situation still being up in the air (and could potentially be that way until I move out to wherever I go), I just don't think I'm going to be able to.

That's subject to change later, though. Maybe.

What I am offering in lieu of stamped bits of happiness from yours truly are drabbles! Most of y'all know the drill by now, but for those who are newbies since last holiday season (*waves*):

★ Leave me a comment with your character/pairing of choice. (Remember, though, I don't write slash or incest. Or other icky things).

★ Don't forget the prompt! Whatever tickles your heart's fancy, I will do my best to accommodate.

★ Sometime after the weekend of my move (December 4th), I will write you a little drabble/ficlet!

See? It's simple. So comment away, dear f-list!

christmas drabble meme 2010

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