Leigh!fic- Le Chemin (1/1)- Sirius Black/Bellatrix Lestrange

Nov 20, 2010 23:11

Title: Le Chemin (1/1)
Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams
Characters: Sirius Black/Bellatrix Lestrange
Rating: R
Words: 500
Summary: "Tell me you don't want me, Sirius."
Author's notes: *sigh* I suppose it was only a matter of time before elle_blessing and fiery_flamingo's madness caught on and I descended into Blackcest. This was written for deatheatercest's End of Year Drabblethon. forsanethaec requested ( Read more... )

community: deatheatercest, character: bellatrix lestrange, pairing: sirius/bellatrix, leigh!fic, character: sirius black

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Comments 14

fiery_flamingo November 21 2010, 05:00:16 UTC
*cackles* Bwahahaha, welcome to the dark side! :D We have cookies.

Great inaugural piece, babe. I get the hate and the wrongness of these two, and the want.

And we know how some among us feel about that bloodplay. ;)


leigh_adams November 21 2010, 19:16:06 UTC
Mmmm, cookies...

Thanks, hun. I'm still not too sure how I feel about it, but I'm glad you liked it.

And you couldn't possibly be referring to our beloved Elletator, could you? ;)


dexstarr November 21 2010, 05:53:27 UTC

I am happy to see you at my new comm (I co-mod deatheatercest) and this is HAWT.

This, In the faint light, Bellatrix looked every inch the dark nymph. Her wild hair cascaded down her back, and her pale skin-- a Black trait-- gleamed. His eyes traced every hollow of her body, from the fluttering pulse in her neck, over her high, proud breasts, and down to the cradle of her thighs. is such a delicious image.

So yummy!


leigh_adams November 21 2010, 19:17:54 UTC

I tried to hold out, but I really couldn't.

I'm glad you liked it. I wasn't too sure how it turned out-- you know, compared to elle_blessing and fiery_flamingo's Blackcest, this is about the equivalent of a fifth grader's attempt, but I'm glad you thought it was hot!



dexstarr November 21 2010, 22:12:32 UTC
pfft. It's impossible to hold out, and besides, elle_blessing has dark side cookies!

And darling this is no fifth grader's attempt. You silly :P


leigh_adams November 22 2010, 02:42:18 UTC
Well, you know, I need another place to write like I need a hole in the head.

Maybe not a fifth grader's. More like a sixth grader.


forsanethaec November 21 2010, 05:54:18 UTC
Gahhhh! HOTNESS. I liked the third section best, I think, and "Oh, Sirius, I thought we agreed to tell the truth." This was such an awesome interpretation of my prompt, you blew me away. Welcome to the magical world of blackcest :) enjoy yourself!


leigh_adams November 21 2010, 19:22:54 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! I was worried that what I was seeing in my mind wasn't translating to the screen, but it seems to have turned out alright.

Thanks for you kind words! :*


gelsey November 21 2010, 06:07:29 UTC
I have to say, I love these two together even if I rarely find it to read. Very good, very hot, and so very... them! I liked it--terribly horribly hot ;)


leigh_adams November 21 2010, 19:24:05 UTC

elle_blessing has lots of yummy Blackcest (and really, she's the best) at her writing comm, wench_islands, if you're interested.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad it was suitably hot; I was worried it wasn't translating from my mind to the doc, but I think it turned out alright!


elle_blessing November 21 2010, 06:26:56 UTC
*SNORKS* ... *gives the dark cookies*

Suitably dark and twisty. Great writing, Leighbug :*


leigh_adams November 21 2010, 19:18:57 UTC
Cookies! Om nom nom.

Obviously not to your caliber of dark and twisty Blackcest, but I'm glad you liked it.



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