Welcome, to the first ever icky, squicky, dark, and wonderful...
Death Eater Cest Drabbleathon!!
Before we begin, you all know I just had to include some rules. Please read and review so we can keep things naughty, polite and organized.
Rules and Instructions:
1. Leave a prompt to THIS post.
· Put your PAIRING in the SUBJECT LINE,
· Put your PROMPT in the COMMENT BOX along with the rating you prefer and any other stipulations you have for your drabble.
2. Leave as many prompts as you’d like!
3. Remember you DON’T have to leave a prompt to respond to one or respond to a prompt to leave one, but we’d love it if you did!
4. When you find a prompt and a pairing that turns you on inspires you, write your drabble and then POST IT AS A RESPONSE TO THE PROMPT. You have TWO options.
· Post the text of your drabble in the comment box.
· OR post in your own journal and make sure it is unlocked. Then respond to the prompt with this header:
Author/Artist: (your name)
Fic or Art: (fic, art, icon, wallpaper, etc)
Link: (to your journal)
5. Drabbles should be between 100-500 words and must adhere to the
rules of the community.
6. Remember ALL drabbles MUST include incest or have incestual overtones and include at least ONE Death Eater. *Narcissa counts as a Death Eater for this community so pairings like, Narcissa/Sirius are certainly welcome. And the in laws are also considered family, for example Rodolphus/Narcissa is acceptable.
7. Answer as many prompts as you’d like!! Everyone will receive an awesome participation banner and the TWO people who answer the MOST prompts will get their own personal banners!
8. A master list of the Drabbles will be posted at the end of the contest.
9. The contest officially runs from November 15th -December 15th but feel free to respond to prompts for as long as you’d like.
10. This contest will be open for everyone to post and participate so
please encourage your friends to play! 11. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO TOLERENCE FOR FLAMING! We want this to be a good experience for everyone :D