Stages of Love - Snickers

May 27, 2006 06:50

Title: Coming Home
Author: venetia-sassy
Pairing: Sara/Nick
Prompt: stagesoflove Stages of Love #5 Commitment
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I own my imagination, nothing else.
Author's Notes: Writing this set backwards. General outline, Nick and Sara become more than friends after Grave Danger. Set in an AU Season 6. *sniffs in disdain* Obviously.

#5 Commitment - Coming Home

The realtor was still talking but Sara slipped away to look over the house on her own. A quiet neighbourhood, spacious backyard, plenty of room. Suburbia, good grief. A slightly panicked feeling accosted her - what was she doing here? - but as she paused in the sun-filled room across from the main bedroom, a smile came to her face. And the smile widened as she felt strong arms slide around her waist, broad hands resting on her gently rounded stomach.

“So what do you think?”

Sara turned her head to smile up at Nick. “I think this should be the nursery.”

nick/sara, csi, stagesoflove, fic

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