CSI finale

May 27, 2006 06:22

I don't mind spoilers, they're almost necessary for reading fanfic when your local programming is about three months behind. Minimum. But for those who are just as far behind and do mind spoilers ...

So I'm happily reading spoilers for the season finale and when JF says there's going to be a twist at the end, I'm hoping TPTB are finally going to let Sara have a decent relationship. And seriously, I never really thought that GSR would happen at this point. Comments from the actors, foreshadowing ('I guess some people just aren't meant to be together' - how much more direct does CSI get?!), sheer lack of chemistry ...

Then I read about the final scene.

I was left feeling slightly queasy and very irritated. Sara is my favourite CSI character and I think by doing this, the writers are showing a considerable lack of respect for her.

It's been six years. And they're saying that Sara would still accept him after all the emotional crap he's put her through?
Gah, that pisses me off.

I could go into detail here about all the reasons I object to GSR, but another writer has already done so in a very well written, well thought out essay.

Broken Wings

Thanks to kaliraven for writing the essay and for permission to post the link.


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