Hmmmm ...

Jul 23, 2011 00:22

Was watching the movie channel on cable last night, and spotted a possible new ship ...

Again with the sidekicks though )

if you don't know the words ... hum, tv - automated daydreaming, get off the road you fecking bastahd

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Comments 3

quoshara July 23 2011, 12:47:53 UTC
Now *that* is the movie I want to see made: Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser

Of course, with my luck they'd use horrid actors and totally destroy one of my favorite series....especially now that Fritz is gone.


velyrhorde July 23 2011, 23:58:53 UTC
No, they'd have to cast that guy who plays Eric on True Blood as Fafhrd! Gods know who'd play Mouser -- I can't think of any little, dark, wiry dudes off the top of my head ...


quoshara July 24 2011, 00:11:34 UTC
Oh, yeah... Alexander Skarsgård. *nod...nod...nod* Good choice. I'll think on who would be good for the Mouser.


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