Hmmmm ...

Jul 23, 2011 00:22

Was watching the movie channel on cable last night, and spotted a possible new ship ...

Conan the Barbarian, he's more of what the author had in mind -- a wily thief who just happens to be stronger than the average man.

I like most of the characters in the first movie -- Valeria is based on an actual book character, though many things that happened to her actually happened to other woman Conan met (and loved). I adore Mako, and his wizard character rocks! And the archer-thief, Subotai ... yum! Thus, my ship -- Conan/Subotai ... must research to see if there's an actual fandom for that.

I can't remember ever reading about a character named Subotai ... he might be a lesser-known character that has just leached from my memory after all these years (at one time I owned every Conan book, but over the years, have loaned them out and not gotten all of them back ...). However, you know my predilection for sidekicks. I can totally see the two of them -- and Conan would bottom for Subotai, you'd better believe it!

Now, the second movie, I have complaints about. In the first place: NO Subotai! There's a huge hole right there. The guy they picked to replace him was a total wash-out. Not the actor, but the character -- the movie didn't need slapstick comedy. Conan and Zula were great at the subtle humor that the movie needed, and they should have stopped there. And the nubile young princess just made me want to slap her -- all the moaning and dreaming and screaming -- sheesh! There were scenes in the movie that did come from the books, but more that didn't, which was annoying. The ape/mirror scene was out of one of the stories, but there was no whiny princess in it!

Overall, the first movie rocked, the second one just lay there and whimpered a bit. I'm going to have to investigate this Conan/Subotai thing at some point, also. It has a very "Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser" feel to it ...

if you don't know the words ... hum, tv - automated daydreaming, get off the road you fecking bastahd

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