
Sep 04, 2010 20:13

Hi members & watchers!

I'm gonna try to make new layouts this long weekend but I need everybody's help! I want to know what you guys would like to see more and less of. You may show me some examples if you'd like (click for layouts), for instance, show me a layout (made by me) that you really liked and one you didn't like. Okay, I'm very bad at ( Read more... )


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Comments 38

kateliciously September 5 2010, 12:34:34 UTC
I like layouts like .66 pale with a header, .59 brisa, magia (but more centered), .55 lynts or .47 lima. I prefer a lighter layouts with a wider middle part for the text (mind.600px) because this makes icon and graphic posting easier.
I'm pretty sure you'll do a lovely icon.
Btw, I understood what you've explained. ;D


bluesky_y September 5 2010, 14:50:54 UTC
A mí también me encantan todos tus layouts, son incríbles :_
Pf, es difícil elegir uno ò_o pero, diré que mis favoritos son `Back to Light´ & `Torned - Light´, sobretodo `Torned - Light´, la font de los links y "cuado pasas la fechita" por los links y se subraya con esos colores me ENCANTA, en serio xD

No sé, lo único que me gustaría es la sidebar y el link list a la derecha o izquierda. Y que la medida del userpic sea de como en en `Torned - Light´. Preciosísimo *_*

Bueno, hagas lo que hagas nos sorprenderás, seguro ^_^



0_yuki_0 September 5 2010, 14:51:13 UTC
Something with bright obnoxious colors, sort of retro to the 80s or something. o/


justmyb0nes September 5 2010, 15:50:21 UTC
My all time favorite (for the moment) is Torned Dark (http://community.livejournal.com/velvetb0x/17655.html#cutid1) Magia is beautiful too (http://community.livejournal.com/velvetb0x/20375.html#cutid1)
The one I like the least is "Summer" (http://community.livejournal.com/velvetb0x/21500.html#cutid1)
I'm currently using Brisa (but with customization - all on the header) I lvoe it too: (http://community.livejournal.com/velvetb0x/18593.html)


memoires September 5 2010, 19:17:57 UTC
adoro este nuevo layout de la comunidad, y mis favoritos serían: 59. brisa, .45 palabras.
en realidad creo que depende de la combinación de colores, hay layouts tuyos que me encantan pero no soy tan fanática de los colores así que por esa razón no los uso, pero del resto en general todos los que haces son fantásticos!


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