
Sep 04, 2010 20:13

Hi members & watchers!

I'm gonna try to make new layouts this long weekend but I need everybody's help! I want to know what you guys would like to see more and less of. You may show me some examples if you'd like (click for layouts), for instance, show me a layout (made by me) that you really liked and one you didn't like. Okay, I'm very bad at ( Read more... )


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Comments 38

violateraindrop September 5 2010, 09:11:22 UTC
My favourites are Sunny and Bubbly, because they are the ones I'm most familiar with^^

What I really like about Sunny is the bar at the bottom which includes the footer and the header. I'd love to see more layouts with that.

I don't have a specific layout I don't like, but I'm not a fan of top bars, simply because I don't know what to write in them or having all the tags in a box (I prefer a sidebar for them or just a link to the tag page). And I don't really like if the userpic in main entry is not 100x100, but that's something you can easily change.

Another thing I really like about your layouts is that I can easily modify small things ;)


worried_bubble September 5 2010, 09:28:10 UTC
My favourites are .66 Summer Bright and .63 Magia. Also, .46.
I love all your layouts, if there's a element I don't like, I can customise it. But I just wanted to say that I love how you choose the tiny icons to go with your css! :)


___ryaku September 5 2010, 10:10:03 UTC
my favorites are summer (both) and sunny. sunny also because of the little bar at the bottom, i'd like to see more of that. and also something like the current community layout, for some reason i really like it :)

the only thing i didn't like where the crooked userpics in back to light/black.


midsummerly September 5 2010, 10:33:10 UTC
i really love:
(+) 66. Summer / Pale
(+) 57. Cold Dessert V1
(+) 26.

i didn't like very much:
(+) 35.

you make great layouts! I'd love to see more round edges and more light/summerly colours :) and i prefer it if the icon stays 100x100 on entries, i change that every time (i hope you know what i mean)
i love and need side- or headbars ^^ will never use a layout without that (for example 37. is really pretty, but without a sidebar :( )

thanks for sharing all your pretty layouts :)


ballad September 5 2010, 11:26:43 UTC
I love most of all :DD
I just dislike some of them that's too dark~
like "Luna V.3" or so "Luna"~


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