email from american anti-vivisection society:
Tell Jack Spade and The New York Times that Dissection is Cruel!
Two months ago, concerned students informed Animalearn, the educational division of AAVS, that Jack Spade is selling 'designer' frog dissection kits. Animalearn quickly put out an alert to its supporters. Then on Nov. 19, The New York Times published "The Sartorial Meets the Biological" by Brendan I. Koerner, an article glamorizing and promoting frog dissection. While the article mentions Animalearn's opposition to this horrible product, The New York Times did not contact Animalearn to discuss the non-animal alternatives that are available to this cruel practice of frog dissection. It is important that both The New York Times and Jack Spade are told that promoting a dead animal in a fashionably designed vacuum sealed bag is not a "sincere expression of affection for the natural world" as the designer falsely believes, but rather an unethical product that should be quickly pulled from the shelves.
Promoting a dissection kit for entertainment is simply outrageous when millions of frogs are killed annually strictly for dissection purposes. While many classrooms unfortunately continue the cruel practice of frog dissection, there are many wonderful dissection alternatives available, making this practice obsolete. The Jack Spade Frog Dissection Kit is marketed as something that allows the buyer to "reminisce" fondly about middle school frog dissection, something that is hardly a shared sentiment of many biology students. Adding insult to injury, the kit is packaged in a bag that features a frog with a severed leg standing on crutches, making a mockery out the cruel practice of dissection!
Please join Animalearn and contact both Jack Spade and The New York Times and tell them that you believe that frog dissection is cruel. Tell Jack Spade to stick to selling men's accessories and to stop promoting animal cruelty! Contact the following Jack Spade store representatives and tell them that you will not purchase products from a company that makes light of harming animals. Let Jack Spade know that harming animals in the name of education is no laughing matter.
Robert Chan, General Manager
Ren Chang, Assistant Manager
Jack Spade
56 Greene Street
New York, NY 10012
Phone: (212)625-1820
Fax: (212)925-8477
You can also contact the customer service line and express your opposition to this cruel product offering:
Phone: (877)917-5225
E-mail: Also, please contact The New York Times and let the editor know that in the name of balanced reporting, disclosure of the loss of animal life that is involved in products like Jack Spade's frog dissection kits should have been included in the Nov. 19th article.
Letters to the Editor
The New York Times
229 West 43rd Street
New York, NY 10036
Please direct your letter to "Business Editor"
Fax: (212)556-3622
E-mail: Letters to the Editor at
letters@nytimes.comTo read The New York Times article click here.