Just shoot me

Nov 28, 2005 21:01

I shot with a real photographer today, not a hobbyist. Not that there was any money involved, but from what I saw on the little screen on the camera it turned out really well. Photography really is an art, if you're not just a GWC (Guy With Camera). I think for maybe the first time I looked like a model and not just a cute chick ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

tropicalfish November 29 2005, 02:25:52 UTC
Gorgeous! <3


missdiane November 29 2005, 12:29:23 UTC
I love the expression on the first one especially :)


veganhothead November 29 2005, 20:23:11 UTC
Thanks, folks.



kcontheroad November 29 2005, 12:46:28 UTC
I think I saw that exact top from the model eating tree pic back in the 60s!

In the waterfall piccy, you look as if you're freezing. Not to mention how it calls to mind that exchange from Young Frankenstein, "What knockers!" "Why, thank you, doctor."

The freckles are cute, but I know models aren't 'supposed' to have them. I guess you could use more foundation or whatever. I know squat about make up except that I'm no good at it. Also, your eyes are such a pretty green. I know there must be good techniques for bringing that out. With the green of the tree, if your eyes were more prominent, it would have been very dramatic.

As to the picture you like of your hair, what I noticed was your sharp jaw line. Look out Kate Hepburn!


veganhothead November 29 2005, 20:30:05 UTC
Heh, that dress IS likely from the sixties. I think I snagged it for $5 at a vintage store about ten years ago, before vintage became "cool" and the prices went up. I had to pay $10 for some alterations, but so what.

I'm minding the freckles less and less. Regular foundation won't really do much and heavy cover up, like people with facial scaring would use, would take forever. I don't know much about makeup either, I prefer to leave that to the pros. My eyes are actually, hazel but everyone seems to think they're green, which is cool. I told the MUA at my shoot yesterday to try and really bring the colour out, so good call!

And yeah, I do have a ridiculously strong jawline. I've also been told my cheekbones could cut glass. However, I don't think I'm much of a threat to Kate Hepburn, but thanks for the compliment!


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