Just shoot me

Nov 28, 2005 21:01

I shot with a real photographer today, not a hobbyist. Not that there was any money involved, but from what I saw on the little screen on the camera it turned out really well. Photography really is an art, if you're not just a GWC (Guy With Camera). I think for maybe the first time I looked like a model and not just a cute chick.

Because I want to up my number of hits, here are some new images of moi, no makeup artist, just my amateurish attempts at beautifying, and no Photoshop, so be nice!


Yipes, I had no idea I was THAT freckled. I NEVER go out in the sun without a high SPF and recently a hat. And from about age 13-20, I hardly went outside at all. It's a family thing. Yet another one that miraculously passed by my skinny sister who still wears a D-Cup and has normal sized feet...little shit!
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