Россия ☭ 001

Aug 16, 2010 16:46

Characters: A Russia, A Zombie, a you.
Location: The Plaza
Time: Afternoon
Style: Any
Status: OPEN;

Ah, comrade, you are knowing that Russia's dreams are normally not this wet or smelling so strangely, Да? Perhaps left the window open. The ceiling is very nice though, Russia is liking that--

[ The large and rather wet Russian is amiably chatting to ( Read more... )

norway (lukas oyvind), america (alfred f. jones), russia (ivan braginski)

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Comments 120

1776ftw August 16 2010, 20:56:16 UTC
[LOOK AT THIS HIGH CLASS DUDE OVER HERE BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF A ZOMBIE WITH A BASEBALL BAT. He is so high class, he's covered in zombie guts and everything. BAM BAM BAM he continues crushing the skull of the zombie to bits until he stands up straight, leaning on his bat and looks around before-- HRK]

Why-- That--

... Dude, why are you here?


stolinization August 16 2010, 22:06:59 UTC


Ah, it seems Russia is mistaken. Is nightmare.

Perhaps this question is for you, Америка? Why are you being in Russia's dream.

Get out.


1776ftw August 16 2010, 22:58:30 UTC
[D:< RAEG.]

I was here first! You can't tell me to get out. So there.

[And he swings his bat, sending a zombie flying, all the while glaring at Russia.]

Anyway, I thought you disappeared. Why don't you go back to disappearing because that was fun. I had so much fun, man, you wouldn't believe all the god damn fun I had without you.


stolinization August 17 2010, 00:28:02 UTC
America is making even less sense than usual.



russefeiring August 16 2010, 21:01:58 UTC
[Oh hey

someone's looking fatter than usual. Didn't you just drop two timezones, Russia? Now you gained them back what is this.]

I see you're tormenting the poor thing already, you.


stolinization August 16 2010, 22:08:06 UTC
Russia is only having chat with a friend!

[A slight crunching sound as the weight of those two extra timezones leans into Mr. Zombie Head.]


russefeiring August 16 2010, 23:07:14 UTC
Only you would befriend an undead creature, Russland.

[He winces, feeling a pang of sympathy for the poor creature.]


stolinization August 17 2010, 00:30:20 UTC
You are knowing it is Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic now, Да? Should remember that from now on.

[ He enjoys his new name!! Even if his new friend can't say it. ]


shard_finder August 16 2010, 23:10:13 UTC
[Kagome stared at him as she realized that he was talking to something on the ground. Not quite sure what was going on, she approached while raising her bow and arrow. Aiming and hoping, she lets go and hopes that it hits the thing in the head.]


stolinization August 17 2010, 00:32:40 UTC
[ It hits with a decisive thunk.

Russia looks mildly disappointed. ]

Ah, comrade, it seems you did not move fast enough.


shard_finder August 17 2010, 00:42:08 UTC
[she runs over to him and turns just in time to stab another in the eye with her arrow. It falls to the ground.]

What are you doing! Don't just stand there! these things are zombies and they can hurt you!


stolinization August 17 2010, 01:00:11 UTC
[ Russia just kind of casually punches one in the face. He doesn't seem bothered in the slightest. ]

"Zombie"? They will have to be much bigger and have many more guns to possibly hurt Russia.


eatingwings August 17 2010, 01:01:51 UTC
[ Alucard and Hanna are shredding zombies up in the Plaza, mah boi. Gore and Alucard's black centipedes are EVERWHEREEEEE. Amidst all this chaos, Alucard can sense a familiar cold. Ah, the Russian cold. Such a nostalgic feeling, this winter cold. The Russian winters would stretch throughout Romania, even making it's way into Transylvania. Alucard remembers. He always remembers such bitterness. The bitter, cold from Russia. A zombie is about to creep up on Russia and Alucard take the Liberty of putting a bullet in the creature's head before his centipedes cover the corpse and begin eating it away. Alucard approaches the cold country-boy. HE knows your language. italics = broken Russian mixed with Romanian, his own native tongue. ]

I have not felt your winters in over 500 years, boy. What are you doing here?


stolinization August 17 2010, 01:17:25 UTC
[ Russia doesn't seem all the perturbed by the centipedes, or the zombies for that matter, and only turns around to get a good look at Mr. Headshot.

His face does fall a little flat at the sound of the Romanian language. He speaks only in Russian - though his accent is fairly thick, even though it's obvious he's trying to cover it. ]

You do not speak good Russian? That is a shame. You should learn it, comrade. When Russia is one with the world, everyone will speak it.


eatingwings August 17 2010, 01:26:04 UTC
My apologies. It has been far too long since I heard your language. I traded soldiers with your Czars 500 years ago in order to fend off the Turks. I have not felt your winters in so long, it is... I believe your word for it is ностальгический ( nostalgic ), hmn?

[ Alucard nudges the boy's head to the side with the black Jackal pistol and fires a few bullet through a zombie's face. ]


stolinization August 17 2010, 01:50:34 UTC
[ He makes a petulant noise at being shoved, but the smile is back - though so is the very very slight hint of kolkolkol ]

Mm, you are thinking so? Russia does not remember your face, comrade. You are reminding Russia of your name?


taxationwithout August 17 2010, 01:41:33 UTC
[Stands a short ways away, watching. Occasionally he'll shoot zombies if they come too close.]

...Pity. I was hoping they would eat the bastard. [Yes, yes he is talking to himself.]


eatingwings August 17 2010, 01:58:30 UTC
A pity you have such thoughts, England.

[ Came from fucking NOWHERE, man. ]


taxationwithout August 17 2010, 02:08:34 UTC
[THAT WAS NOT A SCREAM. It was just...a very loud yawn. Yeaaa.]

Who the hell are you, and why you you know my name? [And much mental freaking was had.]


eatingwings August 17 2010, 02:11:07 UTC
[ Alucard narrows his red eyes ]

Alucard. I work for the Hellsing Organization, for your Queen herself. In fact, I knew your Queen when she was just a princess 50 years ago during the Second World War.


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