first shipwreck :: cap'n murasa

Aug 13, 2010 17:46

Characters: Murasa and everyone ever.
Location: Various places around Vatheon.
Time: Midday.
Style: Any!
Status: Opennnnnnn.

[It wasn't the whole "soaking wet" thing that bothered Murasa. It was weird, yeah, but nothing new. Tho', technically? Neither was the experience of seeing water where there should only be sky ( Read more... )

ichirin kumoi, minamitsu murasa, kagome higurashi, valkenhayn hellsing, neku sakuraba

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Comments 458

unzans_hitbox August 13 2010, 23:01:24 UTC
[Oh, she's not here, is she? Ichirin has been scouring the ground, searching desperately for the gold ring she's had her entire life. But when she hears her name, she looks up.]


[She decides to abandon her search for the moment and go in the direction the voice came from. She tries to wave away the fairy as it follows her to no avail.]

Captain - !


miserabledepths August 13 2010, 23:15:31 UTC
[Well, isn't today just the best day for recognizing voices. Murasa stops, looking around and mumbling to herself:]

Speak of the nun. Figures she shows up right when I talk about sinful things- probably coming to scold me something awful.

[But that's a joke, really- Murasa would never hit up the watering holes while in such a situation, and is more relieved than she lets on to hear from at least one member of her crew.]

Ichirin! Hey, Ichirin! I'm over here!


unzans_hitbox August 13 2010, 23:28:51 UTC
[A small, relieved smile comes to Ichirin's face when she sees Murasa. She runs over to her.]

Captain, have you...

[She pauses when she sees the mark on Murasa's face. Her own mark is on the back of her hand, and she holds it up for the ghost to see.]

You got one too, hm? Would this count as defilement...? Anyway, have you seen Unzan anywhere? I can't find him!


miserabledepths August 13 2010, 23:58:04 UTC
Yeah, I got one too. Don't remember just how, though.

[She rubs at hers again.]

-Unzan? No, I haven't seen him.....and he'd be hard to miss.


shard_finder August 13 2010, 23:30:56 UTC
[Now here was someone that she knew that she would remember seeing, if she had met her before. Who else walks around with an anchor and calls out for her ship and crew.]

Uhh Hi My name is Kagome. You must be knew here. You are in Vatheon and I am not sure if there are any pubs, but I'm sure you can look if you want to.


miserabledepths August 13 2010, 23:55:39 UTC

Vatheon, hmm? Not a very helpful name for a place like this.

[tips her hat to you in greeting]

Anyhow, nice to meet you, Kagome, and thank you for the information. I'm Captain Murasa.

[the girl who looks maybe fifteen says this like one would say "rain is wet".]


shard_finder August 14 2010, 01:45:52 UTC
Umm...That's a good point

Captain? You are a captain? [she stares at her for a second before she shakes her head. She is fifteen and slays demons...what is so weird about that?]


miserabledepths August 14 2010, 01:55:21 UTC
At your service!

[shifts her anchor to her other shoulder]

.....not sure what kind of service it'll be, though. I can't seem to find my ship.


butler_wolf August 14 2010, 00:53:19 UTC
[Valkenhayn has a bad habit of just... appearing next to you. Which he'll be doing now.]

This place has many fine alcohol serving establishments... although perhaps that should not be your first priority.


miserabledepths August 14 2010, 01:02:24 UTC
[oh hello when did you get here. But she just tosses you a friendly smile instead of....idk, screaming like the little girl she appears to be.]

Hey, a sailor gets thirsty when she's surrounded by water she can't even drink. Ever been out to sea?

[something subtle in her face twitches]


butler_wolf August 14 2010, 01:08:23 UTC
Unfortunately, I have not had that pleasure, though I can understand the sentiment. Perhaps I could interest you in some tea, instead?

[was that tray of tea things in his hand a second ago?]


miserabledepths August 14 2010, 01:15:42 UTC
If I wouldn't be imposing.

[she reaches for a tea thing, because no this isn't suspicious at all]


dadadaism August 14 2010, 02:19:15 UTC
[Pub? Suddenly, Kotoha has been pinged!]

Pub? I don't know about pubs, but I can say for certain than an awesome establishment of equal quality will be built very soon!


miserabledepths August 14 2010, 02:22:01 UTC

Yeah? You can really promise that it'll be awesome?


dadadaism August 14 2010, 02:24:09 UTC

Of course~ It's got the most important thing after all...


[With that, suddenly a microphone pops out of nowhere!]


miserabledepths August 14 2010, 02:27:23 UTC
[what is this milk you speak of THAT'S NOT SALTY ENOUGH FOR A PROPER SAILOR]

Kara-what now?


shibuya_rave August 14 2010, 11:17:30 UTC
[Vatheon seemed to pull in all the weirdos.

Maybe try one of the shops for a towel and some directions...Captain?


miserabledepths August 14 2010, 19:44:15 UTC
Oh! That's a first- most people don't know my rank until I tell them.

[tips hat]

Captain Murasa, pleased to meet you. And thanks for the advice, wandering around was getting pretty old.


shibuya_rave August 15 2010, 00:56:20 UTC
You were talking about your ship and your crew; I figured it was the best assumption.

[Not entirely sure what to do in return, so makes a jerky little bow.]

Neku Sakuraba. And you're welcome. Do you have anything else you wanna know?


miserabledepths August 15 2010, 02:26:45 UTC
I don't suppose you'd know where said ship and crew would be?


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