☆` stand up, ready up, we don't give up!

Oct 03, 2011 00:56

Characters: Gracia and vatheon
Location: The carnival entrance!
Time: After lunch?
Style: [Action] for speed and convenience, but prose is fine with me too.
Status: OPEN, LIKE YOUR EYES. that was lame, I apologize ffff

[ Wearing a comfortable looking coat over a pretty lavender dress, Gracia stares wide-eyed at the scene before her. People were riding ( Read more... )

kenshin uesugi, gracia, canada (matthew williams), red (pokemon)

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Comments 57

dystopiadreams October 2 2011, 16:59:18 UTC
*Selphie was hardly bursting with energy - unusual, yes, but... everyone was leaving. She didn't enjoy sitting around feeling sorry for herself - that wasn't gonna help, and that wasn't her style. So she's been wandering around Vatheon, doing nothing but...wandering.

And then she sees Gracia, and she manages a smile. What the heck was she trying to do anyway?*

You wanna go in?


kagayakashi October 2 2011, 17:47:30 UTC
[ She smiles back and nods with silly conviction, as if the carnival entrance were her arch-nemesis! ]

Mm! But I can't, because I don't have anything to buy tickets with...Sel, do you think I could sneak inside using that? [ She points to a relatively large wooden crate near some trees. Yes. She's suggesting she hides inside while someone - preferably Selphie - pushes her in. GENIUS, AMIRITE? ]


dystopiadreams October 2 2011, 17:51:48 UTC
*Selphie looks between Gracia and the wooden crate, tilting her head this way and that, doing an exaggerated umming and ahhhing*

Okay! Let's try!

*She moves over to the crate and inspects it*

Quick, get in!

*Of course, Selphie does have a purse with her, and she fully intends on using it. It's just more funny this way*


kagayakashi October 3 2011, 11:33:25 UTC
[ Gracia nods gravely and rushes forward, expertly jumping inside the box. Once inside, she crouches and nods again, to signal she's ready. ]

Let's do it, Sel! We'll get in and experience this place in no time!


xdrunkmanjuu October 2 2011, 17:29:13 UTC
[ Enter one manjuu hopping around when all of a sudden, this comes into view. Lucky for him, he's managed to secure a few chips. Maybe a little more than what he needed. ]


[ Happy bounding over. ]

Whatcha doin?


kagayakashi October 2 2011, 17:50:15 UTC
[ Gracia looks down and smiles warmly. ]

Hello, Mokona! [ Quickly, she stares back at the carnival entrance with frightening determination. ] I'm trying to get inside this place, but I have nothing to pay tickets for. Maybe if I climb somewhere high and jump down inside...?


pristinestar October 2 2011, 19:31:45 UTC
[ Red is just exploring the rest of Vatheon today. He incidentally overhears Gracia while passing by.

When there's someone troubled, he just can't help but step up and check on them. c: ]

... What's wrong?


kagayakashi October 3 2011, 12:50:43 UTC
[ Ahh, just the face she wanted to see! Gracia smiled warmly at Red and pointed at the entrance of the carnival. ]

Red, it's good of you to drop by! I'm going to try and get inside the carnival, because I don't have any star chips to spare! Do you think I could do it?


pristinestar October 3 2011, 13:22:13 UTC

[Even this girl knows him... Does his other self actually almost know the entire bubble? After a light blink, he nods his head as an apology.]

I'm sorry. You remember me, but... [His memory...]


kagayakashi October 3 2011, 14:01:33 UTC
[ Gracia hasn't quite caught on yet. She approaches him closely, and tilts her head, staring up at his face. ]

Red...? What's wrong? Did you hit your head?


vimyridge October 4 2011, 02:26:17 UTC
[Guess who's sneaking up behind poor Gracia. ...okay. So he's not sneaking. He's just really quiet.]

Would you like to accompany me inside? [He had heard her little dilemma and by offering, he'd pay.]


kagayakashi October 5 2011, 05:54:14 UTC
[ Gracia turns to the source of the voice and smiles widely. ]

Hi, Cana! You're going to play in this place too? [ She claps her hands together, in realization. ] Ooh, you mean if I come with you, they won't stop me for not having any chips to pay with?


vimyridge October 5 2011, 06:03:41 UTC
I am, yes. [There ws a warm smile as he spoke.] I'm sure they'll let you in with me, so don't worry about it. [He just won't mention how.]


kagayakashi October 5 2011, 06:21:57 UTC
[ Gracia's expression is bright and extremely grateful; that's got her quite excited! ]

Cana is very confident! We won't get caught, for sure! [ She approaches the carnival entrance with more gusto and waits for him to follow. ] Let's go!


echigo_wargod October 6 2011, 04:39:40 UTC
[ Kenshin arrives, noticing Gracia in front of the carnival. He rarely goes there, but a friend does catch his attention. So did her words. ]

A sneak attack from the entrance would hardly be effective.


kagayakashi October 8 2011, 18:09:51 UTC
[ Gracia turns to Kenshin and sighs in clear disappointment. ]

Then, a sneak attack from the back!

[ She shows her resolve to enter the carnival with rather comedic gestures and emphasized movements. ]


echigo_wargod October 10 2011, 04:29:39 UTC
[ Kenshin smiles, amused, then offers something better. A few star chips. ]

Perhaps infiltration would be more appropriate.


Sorry for the lateness! kagayakashi October 16 2011, 13:20:39 UTC
[ She greets his offer with wide-eyes and a surprised expression. ]

Ohhh, star chips! Ken, are you...?


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