☆` stand up, ready up, we don't give up!

Oct 03, 2011 00:56

Characters: Gracia and vatheon
Location: The carnival entrance!
Time: After lunch?
Style: [Action] for speed and convenience, but prose is fine with me too.
Status: OPEN, LIKE YOUR EYES. that was lame, I apologize ffff

[ Wearing a comfortable looking coat over a pretty lavender dress, Gracia stares wide-eyed at the scene before her. People were riding on strange machines, laughing and having fun. Granted, there weren't too many people going about, but still. She blinks minimally, before letting out a long, wanting sigh. ]

I don't have any star chips...[ She makes a sound while her lips pout together. ] What am I going to do...? Work for a bit, then come back? [ Gracia tilts her chin up in some manner of contemplation, though she quickly shakes her head at the thought. ] No! I want to go in now! Working will take too much time!

[ Gracia places her closed fists against her hips and concentrates on the image before her; she was ready to anything just to experience this strange yet amazing place...! ]

I wonder if I can sneak in without them knowing?

[ That's directed more towards herself, but dear Vatheon stranger, if you happen to pass her by and hear her plea, perhaps you can help remedy her slight dilemma? Por favor? YOU'LL BE FRIENDS AND HAVE TONS OF FUN, A-AND STUFF. LMAO. ]

kenshin uesugi, gracia, canada (matthew williams), red (pokemon)

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