vain_wildcard, and
suzakubanditLocation: Near the house for ease~
Time: Night
Style: Action spam it
Status: Closed, sorry, gotta limit this drama!
[With the sound of the fish creatures roaming around, there was no way Locke hadn't heard. Going out to investigate, dagger in hand, he was more than a little surprised to find a cluster of the ugly things near
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Comments 25
[The words came shortly after Locke's own and one of the creatures staggered suddenly, reeling briefly before continuing onward toward them, something small and thin apparently still lodged into its skull.]
You didn't really think I would let you have all the fun out here alone did you?
[re: What the hell are you doing out here facing these things solo, you ass.]
There was a pause before spirals of fire incinerated, or boiled the disturbing looking fish to death.]
-was never good at cookin' fish. Heh. They might give ya food poisonin' anyway.
Nice of you two to join me, might've gotten boring all on my lonesome.
There's a fair few, think we can split the fun evenly?
[He smirks, but, is already preparing a spell instead of waiting for an answer.]
[That said, several of the fish monsters suddenly fall as they hit by the non-elemental magic of Prismatic Flash.]
Enough risk here for everyone, I'd say..
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