Jun 19, 2011 17:14

Characters: Green Ookido and you!
Location: The plaza
Time: Noon!
Style: Starting with action, but I'll float with you ♥
Status: As open as can be

[What's up, Vatheon? If you happen to be walking anywhere around the plaza at the moment, you'll probably come across a rather familiar/unfamiliar figure. Depending on how close you decide to venture towards ( Read more... )

dug, morty, hilbert, green oak, red (pokemon), mewtwo

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Comments 218

*A* HELLO YOU thegoldhearted June 20 2011, 01:05:08 UTC
[OH LOOK, Gold's Espeon is now running to meet Green's Eevee. Excuse Gold, he's currently running after his Espeon and runs straight into Green. Ouch, collision.]

O-oh, ouch. I'm sorry. [Glances at who this is....oh shit. Not even noticing the current state of undress.] The Gym Leader from Viridian?! What force could have brought you down here? [Because you were a pain in the ass to beat.]


RIGHT BACK AT YOU *7* reacquires June 20 2011, 03:43:37 UTC
[Not quite noticing the Espeon at first, Eevee will start trying to shake off the water in her fur again -- she doesn't quite realise she's there until after the collision happens. When she does, she'll happily wave a paw towards it!]

[Unlucky for Green, he wasn't quite prepared for the crash and stumbles for a few steps.] Oi, watch where you're going! [Not bothering to hide his irritation, he'll whip around to stare down at the perpetrator.] [...]

Who are you? [He'll raise an eyebrow as his grip on the towel strengthens. Change-room, change-room, where are yooou? ... You know you loved how his gym was set-up too, Gold.]


thegoldhearted June 20 2011, 05:25:29 UTC
[Oh uhm, we are blushing now because we were not quite sure why Mister Gym Leader is in a Towel. Oh my god, oh my GOD. Gold is stumbling for the answer- his name. And perhaps a HUGE apology for running into him again.

Espeon on the other hand is having more luck with this. Hello Eevee, mew mew mew. They're probably gonna run off and play because Espeon is over active like it's trainer~.]

G-gold! My name is Gold! I challenged you at the Viridian Gym a few months ago. I won and became champion. Don't you remember? [Hey, Gold. NOT EVERYONE KNOWS YOU. Even if you know them...]


reacquires June 20 2011, 05:34:28 UTC
[Gdmnit, why do all you trainers have no sense of decency to lead him to a bathroom or something? Instead, you all make him stand here like an idiot.]


A scrawny kid like you, beating me? I've never been beaten, buddy; not since Red. You sure you aren't just imagining things now? [... well he will know you after his canon update? ... It's the thought that counts.]


trickfox June 20 2011, 01:25:45 UTC
[You have a Pokemon snickering at your scowling, sorry it's too funny.]


reacquires June 20 2011, 03:49:00 UTC
[Finding his bearings was definitely proving to be hard, and it didn't help that he could hear mocking laughter coming from a certain direction. At first, he tried to ignore it but since it didn't stop; that was proving rather hard to do. Finally on the ends of his patience, he'll glance around for the source of the snickering. When he does locate it, he will glare down at it like no other.]

[...] Tch, are you looking for a battle? [Because he definitely needed something to vent at --]


trickfox June 20 2011, 08:04:45 UTC
[Won't he be surprised when a voice starts to speak in Green's head, good ole' telepathy!]

A battle? You're lost and the first thing you ask is a battle? You're strange! [Though he glances to the Eevee, he wasn't familiar with what it was, but he could tell it was a Pokemon. Then his tail wags and he gives a foxish grin.] You won't get any answers that way!


reacquires June 20 2011, 09:59:35 UTC
[There was a bit of a startle, but it didn't come much of a surprise. He knew that psychic Pokémon had telepathic abilities having an Alakazam back at home, but it had been a while since it had last occurred to him. If Zorua was trying to surprise him, he was successful to a certain extent.]


Did you think I was actually going to battle you right now, of all times? [He'll make a hand gesture towards his lack of clothes along with adopting an annoyed expression - he definitely needed to take care of that before he did anything else.]

[Unlike her trainer, Eevee was quite friendly and even goes up to Zorua to hold out her paw.]

And in that case, I don't need your answers; I can always find them elsewhere.


I'm going to get punched in the face for TAGGING SO MUCH LATELY. andyellow June 20 2011, 01:37:50 UTC
[Unfamiliar. Definitely unfamiliar.

Okay, watching people settle into this place is like a movie show. Bad thing or not, Hilbert has been watching to see which new person might wash in.
But then...

Oh wow, he does look irritated.] H-hey, the first step is to calm down and breathe!


FFF, my inbox is flooding too ;u; reacquires June 20 2011, 03:58:48 UTC
That would be pretty easy, if I weren't dropped in the middle of nowhere like this. [Rage rage.]

[But as this goes on, Eevee will bounce right over to Hilbert and tilt her head at him. Vee vee? (Just who might you be?)]


SORRY TO ADD ON TO IT, BB~~ andyellow June 20 2011, 05:19:14 UTC
... [He HOLDS IN HIS LAUGH. HOLD IT. Sorry, it's kind of funny seeing someone freak out like this.

Like he did.
Just not as RAGEFUL.
Goooood times~

Ah, Hilbert happily pats the Eevee. aokfoawkfoa urge to take it and squeeze it, but you know... THE PANICKED NEW FELLOW.] Eh, sorry, but that's just how it happens... New people like you come in every day.


You shouldn't be! Hnngh Hilbert tags are always super welcome! reacquires June 20 2011, 05:41:16 UTC
[...punk, would you like to say that inner monologue out loud?]

I just got out of a shower; couldn't this place be any more tactful? [seeething.] In any case, do. You. Know. Where. A. Bathroom is?

[Yeah, you better not touch that Eevee unless you want to unleash Green's wrath. He can tell you're holding in laughter!]


strawhathealer June 20 2011, 01:38:42 UTC
[ When Yellow spots a familiar person during one of her walks, she blinks there for a moment, not sure what to do. On one hand, it's someone she recognizes. On the other hand, her experiences here have told her that it may not be the Green she knows. As for the state of undress, she managed to not be flustered at a shirtless Red, so she can try to treat it as normal. Probably.

But it's always good to greet people, so she trots up to him with a fishing pole in tow. ]

Um, are you okay, mister? You just arrived here, didn't you?


reacquires June 20 2011, 03:59:58 UTC
Of course, I just decided that today would be a good day to just walk outside in a towel. [...] What do you think? [Sorry Yellow, someone's a little grumpy.]


strawhathealer June 20 2011, 04:11:11 UTC
Ah, right, sorry about that, Mr. Green!

[ Auto-response, because Green can be one scary teacher sometimes! A sheepish Yellow then places a hand on her hat before gesturing at the entire city. ]

Um, anyway, welcome to Vatheon...?


reacquires June 20 2011, 04:20:29 UTC
[...] [He was about to question her knowledge of his name, but he's quick to brush it off since he was, after all, quite famous back home.] Is that what this place is called? [a beat]

Where's the exit? [Because he didn't want anything to do with this so-called 'Vatheon.']


ecruteaksghost June 20 2011, 04:02:21 UTC
It's that time already? [More newcomers coming left and right. Morty anticipated there might be a few more individuals from the world where pokemon strive. There were already so many now.

Today Drifblim was floating around lazily. It wasn't much of a day pokemon even though there wasn't much light to go around, but he figured Drifblim could use some air. Nothing like floating around in the middle of day. A time where you meant to be lazy.

Surely enough it was another new face with another pokemon. Drifblim approached first.]


note: takes place around 2~3PM? reacquires June 20 2011, 04:17:17 UTC
[Green wasn't around to hear that comment, but he does blink when faced with the Drifblim. He recognised that it was a Pokémon out of region so he was quick to pull out his PokéDex to scan it.]

Drifblim, huh? [Green scoffs when he realises that it was marked with a PokéBall.] Looks like you already have a trainer. [He doesn't quite notice Morty yet, but Eevee will go right ahead and try to befriend the Drifblim -- greeting it with a chirpy vee!]


ecruteaksghost June 20 2011, 04:45:49 UTC
[Oh was that an Eevee? That was an Eevee, what was it doing around here- ooooh that's why. A trainer- no, a gym leader. Well, this didn't happen everyday.

Drifblim levitated around Eevee, not minding the new company and possible friend. Morty eventually caught up with his Drifblim.] You're suppose to be lazy in the day. [Came his comment.]

Hello, I don't believe we formally met. [They can change that now.]


reacquires June 20 2011, 05:00:27 UTC
[When he heard steps coming towards his way, he'll glance up from his PokéDex and shoves it back into his pocket.] Oh? [He doesn't quite recognize the person, but it's someone who knows him nevertheless.]

I'm Green of the Viridian Gym, and you are? [Judging by how he worded his sentence, it seemed that he already knew who he was; but as a formality, he'll introduce himself.]


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