♑ > I'll take the world on my own terms.

May 29, 2011 03:57

Characters: faygot, kamen_luthier and stayb100ponyboy
Location: Wataru's Hive for Troll Friends
Time: Set the morning after this
Style: Action
Status: Closed.

[Gamzee is looking far better than he has the last few days. He's clean for one; his shirt and pants have been exchange for a clean, fresh smelling pair, and Wataru had been quite thorough in scrubbing him clean, even ( Read more... )

kurenai wataru, equius zahhak, gamzee makara

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Comments 55

stayb100ponyboy May 29 2011, 02:22:22 UTC
[Upstairs, the smell of cooking pancakes wafts in through Equius' stupor, and he wakes up.

For a moment, he's confused, not remembering where he is--this recuperation is different, it's too short, and it's in the wrong place, the door should be over there--and then he remembers. He's not in his own hive anymore, he doesn't have a hive anymore, and he's staying with the Highblood and Wataru. And thank the collected gods that Wataru is back.

After sitting up and taking stock of himself, he decides that he's hitting the ablution trap before he goes downstairs. He went a little feral in the five days that the Highblood's moirail was gone, and he smells worse than usual. Thus decided, he gets up and makes his way to the bathroom.]


kamen_luthier May 29 2011, 02:56:27 UTC
[Wataru helps Gamzee with the pancakes and tries not to flinch every time he realizes that Gamzee is looking for him whenever he shifts more than a few feet in either direction. He feels sick but he keeps his hands steady, and he tries to stay as close as he can.]

I'm glad we're both making pancakes to thank Zahhak-san, Gamzee, but... you seemed to have something else you wanted to say to him. Do... you want me to leave the room to talk to him?

[He looks up, his chest aching, but he hides it with a smile.]

I'd just be in the living room, I wouldn't go far. I promise. And I don't mind being here, either, it would just depend on what you and Zahhak-san wanted, all right?


faygot May 29 2011, 03:01:43 UTC
[Gamzee blinks at him, tilting his head, only slightly confused.]

You know I ain't got no fuckin' secrets for you, bro. We both motherfuckin' know where that kinda shit all gets us, yeah?

[He still feels guilty for lying to you back then, Wataru. But he doesn't want to dwell on that so instead he focuses on flipping the next pancake. He's pretty good at it!]

I'm just... all kinda wanting to say thank you to him. And tell him I'm fuckin' sorry for all coming apart on him like that. Might've scared him or some shit.


stayb100ponyboy May 29 2011, 03:10:32 UTC
[Equius can't hear this touching conversation because he's in the shower. How exactly did he get crusted slime stuck in his hair, again?]


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