☽ Losses and Promises

May 10, 2011 22:49

Characters: Kid Minato and ANIKIIIII Motochika
Location: idk middle district somewhere
Time: Evening
Style: First?
Status: Closed this time, sorry~

[He'd made a promise, and that was what was running through his mind as he walked with his head bowed slightly and his hands in his pockets. He'd made a promise to protect Selphie and she was missing. ( Read more... )

chosokabe motochika (sengoku basara), !curse: nineteen, minato arisato

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Comments 35

treasurehunted May 11 2011, 04:55:06 UTC
[... It's a little strange how easy it is for Motochika to get around without making a sound, but he's lacking both anchor and parrot at the moment, so that may be it.

Minato gets a flick to the head while he's deep in thought. A simple gesture to get his attention.

Motochika doesn't even bother to say anything. Just a quirked brow and his thought bubble says it all-

'You look down, kid'.]


lunateclock May 11 2011, 04:58:01 UTC
[The flick does take him by surprise, and he blinks, startled a little. Seeing Motochika, he blinks, and his gaze automatically flicks to the thought bubble before dropping back down to the ground. His own thoughts are in disarray, too cram-packed to easily make sense of them.]

There's something or someone dangerous here. Who means harm to innocent people.

[Flashes of faces--Selphie and Mion--before his expression sets.]


treasurehunted May 11 2011, 05:01:06 UTC
[Stuffing his hands back in his pockets, he thinks. And he recalls a few memories.

Innocent soldiers, both his men and people from another army, being impaled by arrows on a boat- it was meant to be a simple prisoner exchange but no.


So? What're you gonna do about it?


lunateclock May 11 2011, 05:04:44 UTC
[He notes that, in a far back part of his mind, and well...keeps things in perspectives. Still whispers of failed promises in his own mind, despite this.

A breath.]

I suppose first I have to figure out who it is. I can't do anything until then.

[Even though the other has already made his (its?) moves. He knew it had.]


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