1st Shot - Toto, I don't think we're in the desert anymore

May 04, 2011 09:40

Characters: Vash the Stampede and vatheon 
Location: The plaza
Time: Noon
Style: Any and everything!
Status: Open

Man... He knew a guy could hallucinate if left out in the desert too long, but he hadn't been doing so badly, right? Slipping the glasses from his eyes and tucking them away, Vash sighs. "Man, maybe this is some kinda sign that I shouldn't be going ( Read more... )

train heartnet, vash the stampede, aradia megido, matthew, miroku, hades

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Comments 94

redcloakedthief May 4 2011, 15:50:18 UTC
[There is a thief watching from a marketplace rooftop.

He grins, amused, and then calls out--]

Hey! It's you. Who would've thought?


pacifist_storm May 4 2011, 16:52:13 UTC
[Whoa, hello mysterious stranger over on the rooftops! Vash blinks as he looks up.]

Can't say I have the pleasure of rememberin' your name, friend. [Curse his frequent travels! But a name has to be somewhere in his head...]


redcloakedthief May 6 2011, 02:25:21 UTC
[A wave, and then he joins the other on the ground, climbing down and hopping down lightly.]

I can't say I'm surprised. Matthew. You're...Vash, right?

[And then completely cheerfully, he continues--]

The Humanoid Typhoon, right?


1/2 pacifist_storm May 6 2011, 03:32:15 UTC
Well, nice to see you, Ma-


made_of_time May 4 2011, 16:40:26 UTC
[Aradia couldn't help but overhearing a bit of what Vash said... So have a grey-skinned girl with horns and... butterfly wings? What even.]

You're not hallucinating! This is Vatheon!


pacifist_storm May 4 2011, 16:51:01 UTC
[What even indeed. Good thing this is a hallucination! Right? ogod.]

Well, not to be rude or anything, little lady, but I haven't exactly seen a girl quite like you before. [To put it lightly.] And there aren't any oceans, so far as I know.

If it's anythin' but a hallucination, I think my brain'll break.


made_of_time May 4 2011, 18:19:51 UTC
[HE WISHES. lol]

Oh, it's not rude at all! There are people here from a lot of different places, after all, and I'm sure there are probably some universes without trolls out there. [She smiles at him.]

And I'm sorry, but it's really not a hallucination!


pacifist_storm May 5 2011, 13:28:41 UTC
[Wishes so badly, sob.]

Wait, wait... This is another planet? But I wasn't on a ship or anything...

But aw man! [He gives a dramatic sigh.] Just my luck...


ladiesmonkey May 4 2011, 17:41:38 UTC
[Zidane has properly reasoned that he should live by the Plaza. As many people as he welcomed into this new place... It was way too easy to miss people entering though. This latter part of the month has just an influx of people.

This one was damn hard to miss. Bright red coat, spiked blond hair... And let's not forget that huge cross. Still, Zidane wasn't one to judge, and picked up a welcoming basket on the way towards him. His arm shot up and he waved dramatically.]

Hey there, stranger! [As Zidane approached, he held out the basket with that nice warm towel.] That ought'a help with the whole... wet thing.


pacifist_storm May 5 2011, 13:25:05 UTC
[Funny how with this fantastic and eye-catching fashion sense of his, although usually minus the giant cross, fails to have people recognize him. But that works just fine for him.

At the sound of someone calling in his direction, Vash pauses and gives a smile and a wave back.] Could say the same to you, friend! But thanks a lot!

[Clearly the first thing to do is dry off his glasses. His priorities are great.]

I mean, I figure this'll all go away once I stop hallucinatin'- It musta been Merril's cooking- but might as well, right?


ladiesmonkey May 6 2011, 02:35:03 UTC
[Who needs priorities? Not this guy, I tell you!]

Oh, man, I hate to break it to newcomers like this, but this? Not a hallucination. It's one crazy story, but you, my friend, have been selected to share your energy with this city.

[Just to prove a point, he'll be tapping on your hand, Vash.] See? I'm as solid as I can get.

But on the good side of things, a lot of people really like it here!


pacifist_storm May 6 2011, 03:20:22 UTC
[Hear that crashing, Zidane? That is Vash's fragile hopes falling to the abyss. Welp, there goes denial.]

Uh, teacher? [Yes, he is raising his hand right now, just a bit.] You kinda lost me with the whole energy bit.


suckmylipstick May 4 2011, 17:59:14 UTC
[Dude, you look like the hallucination. Who carries around a giant cross thing like that?]

This isn't a hallucination.


pacifist_storm May 5 2011, 13:30:11 UTC
[Dude, ask his deceased bro that.]

Well, it's the only logical explanation, isn't it?

[Swinging the cross around, he sets it on the ground with a loud THUD and leans on it.]


suckmylipstick May 5 2011, 20:32:23 UTC
[No thanks. He has enough crazy for himself.]

Just because it's logical doesn't mean it's the only reason. Logic won't get you far in this place.


pacifist_storm May 6 2011, 03:29:38 UTC
[Ah hahahahaha... ha... Oh, Vash wishes he could say he's had enough crazy and people would listen...]

...I have a feeling I'm reaaaally not going to like what you're about to say.


sweepered May 4 2011, 20:06:16 UTC
[Glub glub milk-oh hey, new guy. Train stops chugging down his bottle of milk long enough to grin and speak.]

For a guy who's hallucinating, you're looking pretty cheerful!


pacifist_storm May 5 2011, 13:27:04 UTC
Well, I could panic, but that might just wear me out, right?

[Not to mention he's trying to conserve energy for his lovely family reunion. Oh sigh. Since this is as good a start as ever, Vash changes his direction and walks over to the other guy. Always be friendly to the tricks of the mind, that's his motto.]


sweepered May 5 2011, 19:51:25 UTC
[He grins.]

Aha, that's a good attitude to have! Panicking ain't gonna get you anywhere, after all.


pacifist_storm May 6 2011, 03:27:31 UTC
Hey now, you're speakin' my language! Although it can be mighty handy when you're bein' chased by angry mobs.

[Vash has his stats high in 'Evasion: Angry Mobs'. It is an excellent skill to have, in his opinion.]

Don't suppose I can get your a name, Mister Hallucination?


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