GK's visit, Part 1

Jun 27, 2012 00:56

GK picked me up Friday afternoon and we went to Bryan's memorial picnic. It was pleasant. (I should say that my morning was less so: I got a new battery, but it was an ordeal.) The weather was overcast, but not raining. Humid, but there was a breeze ( Read more... )

chs reunion, gk, thrifting, there's no place like home, movies, dr bizarre, vacation

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Comments 3

starhawk2005 June 27 2012, 15:51:09 UTC
Saw Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter on Saturday afternoon

I'm very curious about this film....but I think we'll wait to see it on DVD. We don't get much in the way of opportunities to see films in the theater these days, and Prometheus and Dark Knight Rises are already top of the list....


Minimal spoilers vanillafluffy June 27 2012, 17:08:57 UTC
I'm told it was changed quite a bit from the book, which I haven't read. It follows Abe from boyhood through presidency, with numerous events being attributed to supernatural causes. As far as I'm concerned, once you accept that there are vampires running around, it's ALL an AU, so I'm not going to pick nits. I liked the cast, although there's no one in it I was previously familiar with. The production values were good. There were a few bits that seemed over the top (a battle in the middle of a horse stampede was too CGI and dragged on a bit for my liking), but on the whole, I was well entertained.



Re: Minimal spoilers starhawk2005 June 27 2012, 17:42:17 UTC
Definitely a DVD-to-buy, then....


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