Behold, the fruits of my labors!

Mar 05, 2011 11:25

I busted my ass yesterday working on my living room, and my ass is feeling it today. It was totally worth it, though, when I walked out there this morning and saw my cozy living room.

Pictures and commentary )

home sweet home, kat, cheer-up-athon

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Comments 20

ang5fam March 5 2011, 20:41:42 UTC
SO LOVELY!!!! You've done great work- it's got to be a good feeling.
Keep up the good work!!!


vanillafluffy March 6 2011, 04:13:27 UTC
Thanks! I'm really happy and excited.



(The comment has been removed)

vanillafluffy March 6 2011, 04:14:18 UTC
Sure, come on by and we'll plug in season 1 and have a slumber party!



kukkurkurat March 6 2011, 00:01:41 UTC
Wow for the change. It makes a BIG and beautiful difference.
I have to admit, though, that your pre-clean-up photo is still hundreds-time better than my livingroom, or bedroom or kitchen... *hides away under the rubbish piles*


vanillafluffy March 6 2011, 04:18:07 UTC
Yes, but I've only been here since 1974---your family's been in that house since when, 1947?

There's an organizational expert on TV who says there are two kinds of clutter, "memory" clutter---everything has sentimental value, or what I think you guys have: "We might need it later" clutter. After all those years of Soviet shortages, it's no wonder stuff came in and stayed!



karaokegal March 6 2011, 03:08:51 UTC
Nice work! (And thanks for the pimpage.) I think the Cheer-up-a-thon is going swimmingly.


vanillafluffy March 6 2011, 04:21:35 UTC
You're so welcome! There seems to be a leaning toward song-and-dance men.

And for some reason, Yahoo isn't notifying me of about a third of my comments. Wtf?!



karaokegal March 6 2011, 09:12:41 UTC
I've been tracking the replies and Gmail is keeping me happily apprised.


arliss March 7 2011, 03:09:42 UTC
That's a very comfy, inviting-looking room! I know it was a ton of work, but so worth it!


vanillafluffy March 7 2011, 04:15:13 UTC
Thanks. The smaller table really helps the scale. It feels so much more intimate.



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