Behold, the fruits of my labors!

Mar 05, 2011 11:25

I busted my ass yesterday working on my living room, and my ass is feeling it today. It was totally worth it, though, when I walked out there this morning and saw my cozy living room.


It occurs to me that most of the furniture in these pictures are things I inherited from Kat and/or her mom. It may not be obvious, but the fabric on the loveseat is fishing-related. NOT something I would've chosen, although I like the predominant cranberry red. The stuff to the right of the sofa is crafting/beading supplies. To the left is a basket of old mail I need to sort through and a mailbox that needds to be installed.

I like the small table, grotty looking though it is. At some point, I'll probably hit it with a fresh coat of white paint, but meanwhile, it's a good size and easy to move as needed.

Kat gave me the Pier One wicker chair and ottoman a few years ago. It's wider than an average chair---very comfortable. The mid-century bentwood lamp is something I picked up a zillion years ago at a rummage sale at the Moose Lodge.

For contrast, here's a picture taken last fall to illustrate the talk I gave on hoarding:

Okay, so the crap on the bookshelves is still crappy. At least now I can get AT them to correct that!


Meanwhile, come out and support the Cheer-Up-athon! There are a lot of day-brighteners up there. The lovely and sympatico karaokegal gifted me with a gem of a drabble for Black Sheep Squadron, and upbeat contributions are always welcome! Feel free to pimp, too.

home sweet home, kat, cheer-up-athon

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