One rambling tangent, eight bags and a goal

Mar 02, 2011 13:35

I always thought you could find practically anything on eBay, but maybe not. Or maybe I'm just not looking properly. I have one of those heavy-duty desk top tape dispensers. Trouble is, it's missing the little spool you put the roll of tape on ( Read more... )

ebay, clean house, diy

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Comments 10

tape dispenser core ang5fam March 2 2011, 19:29:22 UTC
I can order you one from my office supply catalog here at work- need to know if it's 1 inch or 3 inch. It's called a tape dispenser core next time you look at Ebay....It will be my gift if you want me to order it.


Re: tape dispenser core vanillafluffy March 2 2011, 22:06:16 UTC
Thank you, sweetie! That's such a logical way to find it, but it never crossed my mind.

It's just for a single roll of tape, so I guess it would be 1-inch.

You rock!


Re: tape dispenser core vanillafluffy March 2 2011, 23:52:40 UTC
Wait! I just checked Office Depot---they have them for 99 cents. Knowing that, I can get one whenever I dig out the dispencer. Please don't order one, I hate the thought of paying dollars for shipping on an item that costs pennies!



Re: tape dispenser core ang5fam March 3 2011, 00:45:46 UTC
OK, then. They don't charge us shipping as we order from them all of the time so if you change your mind, I am the tape core connection. :)


pwcorgigirl March 2 2011, 22:26:21 UTC
I improvised one with a bent paper clip at work, but my fave off the beaten track office supply place also sells replacement cores:

YAY! for you for the big fling! Keep it moving, girl. *hugs*


vanillafluffy March 2 2011, 23:48:20 UTC
Great---51 cents, and $8 shipping. Again, I can think of better things to do with $8. That's just against my religion.

I just started a load of denim so I can have my jeans again (and a few other things). On the way back from the garage, I started rooting around in my pantry, rearranging cans.

I can see little patches of order: My dining room is 75% improved. The kitchen has its functional counter-space accessable. My office had about 30% of its floor space cleared. My bedroom...well, it's less deep.

Not of which addresses the damn living room.


pwcorgigirl March 3 2011, 03:28:01 UTC
You'll work your way back around to the living room. That's wonderful about the dining room, kitchen and office.


vanillafluffy March 3 2011, 04:44:21 UTC
I need to work fast; GK *may* be down here for a visit the week after next, and I promised her a place to stay.

It helps that I got the car cleared out. That gives me room to haul some drek off to the thrift store. I'm crossing my fingers that if she *does* come, I can get her to give me a hand with shifting some of the bigger stuff around.


chocolate_frapp March 3 2011, 17:54:17 UTC
I'm losing my mind. I heard the damn Count from Sesame St. in my head when I read this. "I have EIGHT bags of trash! NYAHAHAHA!"


vanillafluffy March 3 2011, 19:19:11 UTC
Oh, the horror!



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