One rambling tangent, eight bags and a goal

Mar 02, 2011 13:35

I always thought you could find practically anything on eBay, but maybe not. Or maybe I'm just not looking properly. I have one of those heavy-duty desk top tape dispensers. Trouble is, it's missing the little spool you put the roll of tape on.

Searching "tape dispenser" does not get me replacement spools, although I was highly amused by the leopard-print Swarovski crystal studded number for $199. (As if I'd spend money on *that*, even if I HAD $200! Some people apparently have way more money than they know what to do with. Want to adopt me?)

Nothing relevent under "spools", either. Perhaps I can improvise with used thread spool and a dowel, something like that? It seems wasteful to chuck out a perfect good dispenser for want of a five-cent part. Although, first I'll have to locate said dispenser. I just happened to think of it as I was rummaging around looking for some tape.

I have EIGHT, count 'em, EIGHT bags of trash ready to go to the curb tomorrow. My bedroom is somewhat improved (Still can't get to the closet!) and my office shows more floor space than it has in about a year.

Still, I need to get cracking on the living room. I called GK to thank her for yesterday's gift, and she said a visit down sometime this month is still a possibility. Woohoo!

ebay, clean house, diy

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