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Comments 7

ang5fam October 12 2009, 16:28:38 UTC
Sounds like it turned into a nice trip after all! I always want to shop the Outlet Malls when I have $ but no one ever seems interested.
Glad you had fun---


vanillafluffy October 12 2009, 17:16:36 UTC
Sweetie, if we ever both have money at the same time, give me a call---I'm in!


ang5fam October 12 2009, 19:56:57 UTC
If I ever have any money again, period! Doesn't look hopeful!
I like the fact that the groom does as he pleases regarding hair, etc.
People have often asked me if my son's dreadlocks bother me- hell, I couldn't care less about his hair! It would bother me if he were not a kind and decent human being but the hair- nah!


karaokegal October 12 2009, 18:45:00 UTC
I'm glad it was fun after all the angst! The groom's pink coif is absolutely mind-boggling. I hope there will be photographic evidence because right now, my brain is sort of rejecting the possibility.


vanillafluffy October 12 2009, 19:10:11 UTC
There will be pix, but since I'm depending on the digital kindness of others...it may be a while. Meanwhile, I posted a pic a couple weeks ago showing him with bright yellow hair. And yes, it was Really Something. (Here: http://vanillafluffy.livejournal.com/505847.html)


karaokegal October 12 2009, 19:16:54 UTC
That is truly a man of great self-confidence.


(The comment has been removed)

vanillafluffy October 13 2009, 02:20:57 UTC
It's always good to hear! I've had a couple of my constant readers tell me that---last year, somebody renewed my paid account because they wanted to keep me "regular". A lifetime of scribbling may not make me a living, but it sure makes my life happier thru all the friendships I've made online. *hugs you*


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