Shopping in Sarasota and the Wedding Wonderland or, Woohoo, What a Weekend!

Oct 11, 2009 23:45

First, let me introduce you to our zany cast of characters. Aboard the SS Minnow rented minivan, there was GK, my BFF and sister of the groom, who was driving. Her mother, my adopted mama, Kat---by inference, mother of the groom. Myself, your humble narrator. Lambie Pie, a long-time friend of the family and ex-girlfriend of Dr Bizarre. The youngest member of our party was BC's daughter, making her Niece of the Groom.

Lambie Pie claimed shotgun, saying that she's too short to climb into the back---I let her get away with this shit for the simple reason that GK's driving scares the fuck out of me, and I'd just as soon NOT be in the front, thanx anyway. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about her: I don't dislike Lambie Pie, but she's better in small doses. Two full days was more than enough. She has her good points: She's warm, funny, generous and presentable. The flip side of that is, she's neurotically fussy about her hair and make-up, and when something pisses her off, she's capable of holding a grudge for-damn-near-ever.

When we got to Sarasota, we hooked up with Blue Roses, whom I've met a few times over the years---she was a close friend of GK's through high school, whereas I was four years ahead of them and didn't know her as well. She lives up near Jacksonville/St Augustine and drove her own vehicle.

The suite at the Ramada...okay, I had a much grander idea of a suite, for one thing, and I envisioned something along the lines of the lovely LaQuinta I stayed at last month. No such luck---for starters, this was your basic two-storey motel---NO ELEVATORS. I tried to lug a piece of rolling luggage, a shoulder bag, a handbag and a gift bag up the fucking steps and had a hell of a time of it. Then, two steps from the top, GK decided to "help" me by taking away the rolling piece---except I couldn't let go of it because I had a couple other things on that arm and I was leaning on it---so when she grabbed it, I fell. It was one of those slow-motion, waving and cart-wheeling kind of falls, and of course, I landed on my bad shoulder. Um, make that my worse shoulder, neither of them is exactly in prime condition. It didn't draw blood, but it sure wasn't fun. For the remainder of the weekend, when we were taking the stairs, I went last so no one would get too impatient.

Meanwhile, the room---I mean suite---opened into an efficiency-type living room with a table and kitchenette, which led to the vanity area next to the bathroom, and two queens. (Two TVs as well, one in the living room and one in the bedroom. Handy.) We dumped our stuff, and did a recon along the main drag. Found the mall---closed---and dined at Ruby Tuesday. Surprise, I had the salmon.

When we got back to the room, the rest of the party was ready to crash, and it was barely 11PM. For me, that's early evening! I didn't sleep well; I don't in strange places. Luckily, I had a whole bed to myself. Kat and her granddaughter Niece shared the other bed, GK and Blue Roses were on an air mattress, and Lambie Pie voluntarily took the couch. (She sleeps sitting up---is supposed to wear a CPAP machine, but doesn't because it messes her hair. Uh-huh....)

Friday was a shopping day. We landed at the mall shortly after funds were limited, but I had fun trying things on. There were a couple things I couldn't quite afford that just killed me, in particular a pin-striped vest that would've gone great with my pin-striped skirt...I was thinking interview wear that isn't a jacket, since jackets aren't usually practical in Florida. However, it was a few bucks more than I could afford. *sigh* On the other hand, I *did* make a few budget acquisitions---some spring green pants, which will go with a few items I already have (currently being paired with black or purple, depending on the piece---this will give me more options), a pretty white top with some wood and shell embellishment at the neckline, and a super yellow, black and white tiered leopard print top. In addition, there was a Corelle outlet there, and I grabbed another one of their serving platters. Now I have four, all different.

It was mid-afternoon when we got out of there. We were going to go to WalMart, which we'd been told was up the road a way---but got side-tracked when we passed a Goodwill store. (See! It's NOT just me!) It ended up being a Good Thing that I hadn't taken a chance on the vest, since otherwise, I would have been broke. I found a very nice top---I tried it on and both Lambie Pie and Blue Roses told me immediately that I should get it. It's sort of a kimono style---a small brown and black geometric with a solid black band under the bust to accentuate the waist---and since I have lots of both neutrals to combine it with, it'll be very versatile. Additionally, I found a whole spool of a very cute ribbon border---I'm thinking of reworking my old, oversized red dress with it---and a really nice little aluminum bread tray. It's embossed with grape clusters and leaves, the sides are fluted, and at each end, a handle with a leaf design curls up.

GK was busy---she and Niece, who's about to turn 18, were acquiring items for Niece's wardrobe, which she's done for her periodically over the years. Not to put too fine a point on it, but neither of her parents are at all clothes conscious. There was also the matter of getting a few things for Kat...I blame myself for not calling or going over to check on her. She packed her suit for the wedding, and what she had on. Nothing else---no night clothes, nothing to spare---and she forgot the gifts she'd gotten for them, but she and GK ended up writing the happy couple checks for new tires, as apparently all four of theirs were showing metal.

Back to motel. GK and I managed a brief dip in the hot tub and pool before we had to go to the venue to "help". I am no damn good for dragging tables around, AND they had scads of local friends there to help---I inhaled three slices of pizza, because all I'd had that day was a bagel and a very small bowl of cereal---and made the acquaintance of Mama of Bride and Sis of Bride. MoB was in a state of agita---Bride of Doc having kept her plans to herself so MoB wouldn't take over. Sis was tending bar and was a delight. About an hour there and---back to the motel.

By then, it was me, anyway. I was dead tired and turned in at 11, and naturally, that night the rest of them were still lively and chattering away. I fell asleep anyway.

On and off for up and went down to the breakfast nook off the lobby with Blue Roses. This trip is the most time I've ever spent with her, and I'd cheerfully do it again. Especially because when I got back to the room, I went back to bed. My shoulder hurt and I was miserable from the pain and lack of sleep. Blue Roses gave me something that took care of that, and Lambie Pie produced an ice bag. I napped for a couple hours with the ice pack between my neck and shoulder. Had some weird-ass dreams.

Felt better when I woke up. The shower in the suite was awesome. Instant hot water and GREAT water pressure. Oh yeah, that took some kinks out! (Would've taken out more if it had been detachable!) So, this was W-Day. The ceremony was scheduled for 6:30, more or less at sunset, which made for some lovely pix.

Kat had on the red suit and matching flats. Niece had on black slacks, a black and silver thread top, a red jacket and some cute little tartan plaid flats. GK wore a black halter dress with a red belt and red rhinestone-studded heels, red necklace, with complementing earrings courtesy of yours truly. Blue Roses was acting as the official photographer and outfitted herself in a black skort and a cream-colored lace cami. (Which I suppose she could get away with, since she wasn't going to appear in any of the pix herself.) Lambie Pie...I'm just going to say it was a black dress. GK remarked later that she'd liked it; I personally thought it was unfortunate---for what my opinion is worth, which is, It ain't makin' me a dime.

My shiny disco ball of a dress---I hadn't had a chance to try it on after finishing it. I took a needle and thread with me Just In Case, but it worked. I shimmied into the bustier, got a little help getting it tied, pulled on the dress, fluffed up my hair and added a headband I'd found at the mall---a narrow black satin band with a black bow, studded with tiny silver studs---a good compliment to the silver faux-sequins on the bodice. The bodice was bordered with an inch-wide band of black sequins---real ones---over the matte "chiffon" skirt, and the scoop neckline framed my hand-crafted black and white crystal necklace with a dramatic crystal heart. Black open-toed sandals completed the look.

The ceremony was held outside, with a small lake at sunset as the backdrop. The ladies of the wedding party all wore black dresses---not identical---and the groomsmen all wore kilts---as did the officiant. Mmm...kilts. The two daughters of the happy couple and the maid-of-honor's daughter all wore tartan dresses---they were made of cute!

Bride of Doc wore a gorgeous, very much embellished white wedding gown with an epic train. (Over some sweet white granny boots!) She carried a faux bouquet (A faux-quet?!) of calla lilies. Her naturally red hair (It's real, she passed it on to daughter #1.) was in a magnificent up-do beneath her long white tulle veil. She looked fabulous!

Now, with most weddings, the description would stop there, because most grooms don't particularly give a fuck what they wear, but not Doc! To begin with, his mohawk, beard and eyebrows were all tinted bright pink...brighter than bubble gum...I'd say about the color you'd have if you tried to mop up a spill of Hawaiian Punch with a clean white towel. He was truly resplendant in his long black had straps and buckles and clips and grommets and pleats. There were some kind of black pants under there somewhere, tucked into knee-high black boots with jointed silvery-finished rectangular metal plates. You've got to admire a guy who's secure enough in his identity to rock a look like that.

The ceremony was brief; ten minutes, max. When asked if he wanted to marry Bride, Doc answered, "Absolutely." (A hearty chuckle from the audience.) There was more applause at the conclusion than I have EVER heard at a wedding---possibly due to the lengthy "Get a room!"-type kiss they indulged in.

The hall was decorated in a suitably atmospheric manner---the tables were covered with black runners and that velvet cobweb runners, candles, candies and sequins strewn along them. The lights were dimmed excecpt for candlelight and some twinkle lights they'd hung around the perimeter. The DJ announced the wedding party, and Doc and his bride to thunderous applause. Not polite applause, real, heartfelt standing ovation applause. They entered holding hands, and Doc raised Bride's arm above their helds---Blue Roses got a really good picture of that moment, and I told them they really ought to use that on their Christmas cards this year.

Food---yes, there was food, and booze---but what was more fun was catching up with folks I hadn't seen in ages. Not just Niece's mom, who, though she only lives around the corner, works 3rd shift and I see her maybe once a year---an old friend of Doc's whom I haven't seen in about 20 years was there, as was his darling cousin Freckles. Freckles lived with Kat and her late husband for a while, circa 1986, which is when I got to know her, and though she's popped into town for the occasional visit, it's been at least 10 years since I've seen her last.

The Father-Daughter/Mother-Son dance was touching---because who knows, this may be the last time Doc gets to see his mother relatively healthy. It also made for quite a contrast---Bride's dad was kilted, and Doc's big hand---nails thoughtfully painted black---was an interesting juxtaposition against the back of her red suit jacket.

Our party only stayed about a half-hour after that. As GK put it, we really didn't know most of the people there---all local friends of the bride and groom---so mingling didn't seem like the thing to do. (The hall was at capacity, and Doc told me they'd had to prune the guest list ruthlessly.) Lambie Pie stayed---she was meeting a local friend there and going to visit her for a few more days---and Blue Roses was there a while longer taking pix, but the rest of us were DONE. It wasn't even 10PM when we got back to the motel!

Kat went to bed shortly thereafter, as did Niece. I did some packing, but mostly GK and Blue Roses and I chatted...there was a grown-up girls' slumber party atmosphere. Very relaxed.

I'd been worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep after my late-morning-early-afternoon nap, but I slept more or less continuously til 5AM...lay awake for an hour, went back to sleep til 8ish, got up, put my swimsuit on, and went down to the breakfast room with Blue Roses. She brought her camera, so I should have pix soon---she *does* have my email!---then she went back to the room and I slithered into the hot tub for a little while, and then into the pool. Which was awesome...not *quite* as pretty as the pool in Tampa last month, but refreshing---and floating on my back while staring up at a fringe of palm trees sends me to my happy place.

GK took the rented van and helped the happy couple tear down the hall. Kat went with her to spend time with them. Niece was reunited with her family and departed with them after breakfast. Blue Roses took her camera's memory card to make CDs, leaving me alone to shower, pack, and watch TV for the quietest hour I'd had in three days.

Once all that was done, MoB and Sis invited Doc and Mrs and our party to lunch---Hungry Howie's pizza buffet---I feel like I got my money's worth. It was cheap but good! Turns out MoB and Sis have been watching the kids for the last few days, so they may have actually had an uninterrupted wedding night. Blue Roses gave them the CDs of the pix---Sis works at a store that offers photo developing, so she can get a discount on prints---and my wedding gift to them was a very nice album with the motto "Life makes the best story" on the front.

It was just the three of us on the way home---me, GK and Kat. There must've been some hellacious car show in Tampa, because we kept getting passed by some really incredible rides---although the REAL wow of the weekend was the screaming red LOTUS we saw pulling into a convenience store on Friday. It had Tampa Bay Bucs vanity plates, and because of the priciness of the ride and the proximity to Tampa proper, I couldn't help but wonder if it was an actual team member's car!

Most of the ride home was GK trying to get answers from Kat about her meds, her bills, assorted other financial matters---depressing, really. GK flies out in the morning, *might* make another solo visit within the next month or so, otherwise, nothing til the Things have winter break in February.

I'm glad to be home. I watched this week's SPN---super, but I've been working on this epic for THREE SOLID HOURS, so I'm going to wrap it up and crawl into bed, because Kat has the usual Monday morning appt at 11. Nitey-nite!

roadtrip, clothes, car du jour, aluminium, wedding, dr bizarre

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