
Sep 10, 2009 19:58

I'm killing time for an hour, until I can snag a snack and a beverage and plonk myself down on the bed in front of the TV and see my Dean and my Sam and HOPEFULLY my Bobby again. At least, I *hope* that's what I'll be seeing, I hope Eric hasn't done/doesn't do anything too fiendish to them over the summer.

It's bad enough that there's no more ( Read more... )

medical billing, spn, money, leverage

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Comments 4

pwcorgigirl September 11 2009, 00:30:34 UTC
What goes around comes around. Employers seriously need to learn not to crap on good employees.

I worked five years at the local newspaper and got a grand total of 25 cents an hour in raises in that time. These were the fuckheads who tried to fire me without grounds when I was seven months pregnant, for which I'd promised to sue their asses into the ground. For the rest of the time I worked there, the editor communicated with me by leaving notes on my desk while I was in the bathroom or after I went home for the day. When we finally got the boy's massive hospital bill paid off nearly three years later, I saved my vacation to use as notice (which meant they had no time to find a replacement for me) and skipped out the door in absolute glee.

ETA: I have no idea why that comment double-posted.


vanillafluffy September 11 2009, 00:47:19 UTC
In both cases, upper management/ the owners were NOT at the same location as the people actually doing the work, so they didn't know us and had no qualms about mandating policies that DIDN'T WORK IN THE REAL WORLD.

Go, you for bailing with a smile. I'd love to do that one day.


I love how we went to jail togeather. valderman74 September 13 2009, 00:21:19 UTC
Every office in Florida has been closed as of 9-11. All jobs have been forward over seas. I wish we could send Bing there.


Re: I love how we went to jail togeather. vanillafluffy September 13 2009, 01:31:46 UTC
All jobs have been forwarded overseas. I wish we could send Bing there.

Word! Although like I said, can you IMAGINE them trying to do compliance training in India? I think they're making a HUGE mistake, but then, I always thought that would be a job for life, since everybody gets sick....


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