
Sep 10, 2009 19:58

I'm killing time for an hour, until I can snag a snack and a beverage and plonk myself down on the bed in front of the TV and see my Dean and my Sam and HOPEFULLY my Bobby again. At least, I *hope* that's what I'll be seeing, I hope Eric hasn't done/doesn't do anything too fiendish to them over the summer.

It's bad enough that there's no more Leverage until the new year---and that that went totally pear-shaped last night. I'm not going to go into detail lest I inadvertantly spoiler someone, but I *hate* last night's special guest star. I didn't like her in her big role in that big sci-fi fandom, and I didn't like her in that drama she was in after that, even though that was produced by someone whose work I usually adore. I just DO NOT like her, period, full stop. Fuck me if she's going to become a regular. I may not be back. If I DO start writing Leverage fic, the first thing I'm going to do is feed her character into a wood chipper. (Yeah, so it's been done. The Coen brothers can bite me.)

A couple interesting developments today: I heard from a former fellow inmate coworker that the medical billing company closed the local office today. No word as to whether this is just local or if other offices have been affected, but given the amount of abuse we suffered from management and callers, yeehaw! (Hey, I worked there for just short of five years, and in all that time, my total raises equalled less than a dollar. And I never made it through a day on the phones that I didn't get cussed out by some fuckwit caller. So let them call India, and let management try to explain HIPPA to someone who's ESL. I win!)

In the mailbox was an envelope from my most recent former employer. I'm not sure why they didn't just direct deposit that piddly little $30 check, but whatever. I have that, I have my WalMart card from Red, I'm good for now.

I've been rounding up cans. That should pad the finances a smidge. Every little bit helps.

medical billing, spn, money, leverage

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